Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mourning Dove

The sun came out for less than a minute as I watched two doves on the deck. Both had the palest pink tint of colour in the sun light. Coo Hue.


susan said...

Yes I know you, and?

Serenity said...

I love the sound of a mourning dove. We have many here. They are so gentle and their coos can lull me to sleep.

Lilly said...

love doves.
How sweet!

Aye said...

I've heard newborn babies wailin' like a mournin' dove

And old men with broken teeth stranded without love.

Do I understand your question, then, is it hopeless and forlorn?

"Come in," she said,

"I'll give you shelter from the storm."

I'm in a lyrical mood this evening...

susan said...

Sorry folks, I was having a Matrix moment with whomever you might say. My comment had nothing to do with my post.
It's not easy knowing your a piss-ant on the sidewalk of life.
Aye, your the man! Right up front with, "I do not understand the question", I like that. Feel like sometimes this computer stuff can blow my mind. After I posted the dove post, I was calm and in balance with life and poof...down the rabbit hole.
I'm not going to explain any more of this stuff.
No! I do not hear voices and I don't take meds. Hahahaha!

me said...

Aye LOL!
Susan LOL!
Happens to me once in awhile too!
: )

Love dove's! Have two in the yard they come back every year and nest, mate and eat.

Yes I know you are but what am I?

me said...

Good mornin Susan!

susan said...

Good Morning Miss Pank! Good Morning to all y'all. Peace be with you.
Coo-coo-ca-choo! Ahaaa-Chooo! Pollen.

Lilly said...

i think aye met a pissant once.

susan said...

O'really! Hummmm!
I sit here knowing that my camera has more memory in it's smartcard then me.