Friday, April 21, 2006

Spring in Republic Washington

What kind of dog is that Martha?
Look over there George, here comes six more.


Serenity said...

Awwwww! Ever sweet! I've never been that close to a deer. I'd love to be though.

susan said...

I love them too, but they are wild and they at times lash out with those sharp hooves. Living in Republic showed me deer can be very aggressive, a side of their nature I never knew they had. Most deer run away, these suckers stand and fight. Ask Sarah, she'll tell ya.

me said...

Hiya Susan! Thats so cool, we did actually get about a foot away from deer once, we were feeding them strawberries last summer! Didn't know they could be aggressive. We had a mom with two fawn that stopped by everyday! They ate better than me...blueberries, peaches. I think maybe I shouldn't do it this year though because in the winter when I'm not up there they may go hungry waiting. I love deer, we have a real big buck that struts down the street occasionally too. That sucker I stay far away from.. them antlers can do some damage!
Have a great night Susan, bopping over to Aye and Naomi now.
: )

Serenity said...

I didn't realize they were aggressive. Ya learn something new every day. I've never been close enough to find out. They sure are gorgeous animals though.

susan said...

I fed them deer only once, Christmas Eve. They hung around for weeks looking for more cracked corn and birdseed. Many people in town feed them through the winter months even though it's against law, and that's okay with me. I might have too, but couldn't afford it.
In Republic the lawn ornaments move around from neighbor to neighbor. They are very smart, during hunting season the biggest bucks stay in town. You can see them strolling down main street with their big racks held high as if to taunting all the hunters. The locals rub it in too, "Did ya see that big twelve-point in front of the Post Office?".
I like them, I'm just always on alert because I don't want my dogs hurt, and they do stomp dogs pretty bad.