I love Chile Peppers, and their colours. I love to string them together in long ristras, and hang them on my kitchen walls to be used as needed.
Chile Peppers come in so many sizes, shapes, colours, textures, flavors, and degrees of peppery temperature.
As a child I learned to love them for their beauty, anticipate their variety of flavors, and respect my parents warnings of, "Some are to hot to handle and don't rub your eyes". Even thought I didn't listen, I learned. Here is a great site where I learned even more.
Where I live is far from the optimal climate for growing peppers, but they grow well in containers and many of the ornamental varieties are my favorites anyway. It's funny that as I write this, I hesitate to rub my eyes, some things we never forget. Hasta la vista!
have you ever seen a peter pepper?
LOL! Looks like a well.. a peter.. or is that pecker pepper? Hell I get so confused. LOL
A pecker pepper? Now that's funny! I'd love to see one of those. lol lol
I love peppers, but they hate me. I love the look of em, the smell of em and I adore the taste of em. But, if I eat one, I sure know it. Make me sicker than a dog. Same thing goes with tomatoes. Isn't it funny that we can be allergic to the things that we love the most huh?
Whatever turns you on Lilly. LOL!
I could go on about Peters peck of peppers, but I won't, time, phoneline problems etc.
Serenity, sorry to hear you have an allergic reaction to the nightshade family of plants. But! Pepper ornamentals as house plants are nice, that is if the cats don't get into them.
You guys have a HOT day and weekend. Cindarella here has to find a way to clean the ashes out of a hot stove.
if you google it serenity, in images you can see one.
susan hope you come out of the ash pile unscathed honey.
lol lol.. I googled peter pepper and you're right Lilly! It does look like a willy! lol That's too funny :D
I work with a lady who's hubby grows these little red peppers...Little BUT deadly... I love them...I've got some drying out as we speak so I can plant the seeds....ummmm, Peter Pepper??
OK girls, guess it time for me to set things stright...I'm not! That said, thanks Granny for the comment as you already know I love to grow peppers. Good luck with the, "Little Hot Devils"; I would love to hear about their progress, and see some snapshots as they grow etc. We could even name the little peckers...I mean peppers.
Oh! congrats on your link learning, fun isn't it?
ok susan, you don't have to be straight to appreciate the humor in those little peppas, do ya? LOL.
glad you got a giggle serenity. *wink*
Ok,ok, I'll go look at google's, "peter pepper". Probably looks like something the dog dragged in;)
You know I'm not straight when I can't even spell it correctly.
Yvonne must be working, or sleeping, or she just as soon step over the subject matter. I'm gonna take my next post lead from Granny. God only knows what she's got up her sleeve.
Thinking 'CREATIVELY'...
Were any windows droken last night?
hahahah@ broken windows.
no, but lots were DELETED. LMAO.
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