Monday, December 29, 2008

Turkey Table Manners

Oh my goodness, I should have known those tracks in the snow weren't deer tracks, but peeping gobblers. Their table manners may be somewhat uncooth, and they do leave a mess and tend to just walk away without so much as a thank you. Do you know very many people who fit the same discription?
A whole flock of them stopped by again this morning. After ravaged the picnic table, leaving nothing for the other birds, they flew off in a hurry when I let Sarah out.
It started snowing not so long ago. It's coming down rather thick and heavy so I guess I should restock the picnic table and bring in a large load of fire wood to last through tomorrow.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

December's Dream Team

Who's been peeking in my windows under the cover of night as I set at my desk writing? Look! They even left a trail of tracks in the snow to prove they were looking in my windows.
My four legged deer friends are always wondering about what I'm doing. Hay, it's good to know my friends care enough to keep an eye on me. I guess you could call them spy's, and yes, they are a little sneaky. Maybe curious is a better word for their behavior. Sometimes I worry about them, and want them to know I'm here to protect them so they can lead happy and healthy lives.
On Christmas night an unusual thing happened.
It was late in the evening and I was in the middle of a long conversation with a literary writer friend who lives in Baltimore. It was pitch black outside, and cold enough to freeze the boleadoras off a brass monkey. A vehicle slowly pulls to a stop out front next to my mailbox.
"Hold on a minute, I need to get my pistol." I said to my friend on the phone. "Somebody just pulled up out front."
I would tell you who it was stopping by to see me at such a late hour on Christmas, but you probably wouldn't believe me, so lets just say the person is friend of mine.
After explaining to my friend on the phone everything was okay, I hung up and proclaimed my joy at seeing my visiting friend. I usually don't get many visitors, and such a special visitor on Christmas night is always a sweet treat.
"You need my help?" I said, "Sure, I'll be happy to help you."
We worked together until the wee hours, stopping only once for several cups of espresso. I like mine with brown sugar and half & half.
Our task was not an easy one, and yet working together was a piece of cake. Because we had previous experience working together, we soon had the difficult situation under control.
Today my friend stopped by again with a present for me.
Now it just so happens that I've been wanting a coffee grinder, and sad to say, my coffee bean supply was running rather low. There is nothing like fresh ground beans to make a delightful cup of espresso on a cold winters morning to perk up ones spirit. My visitor's Christmas gift for me; a "new" Moulin Á Café (coffee grinder) and a bag of Sumatra Mandheling dark roast coffee. Yippee!
And in keeping with the spirit of giving, the next time I go into town, I'm going to stop by the feed store and pick up a bale of alfalfa and orchard mix hay, and maybe also bag of rolled oats to spread out on the picnic table for my four-legged late night team of friends. They enjoy stopping by to see me from time- to-time, and are always courious about my work. It's a comfort to know that even in the darkest hours, there are many loving eyes who are keeping watch so others may sleep in peace and safety. As friends, we keep an eye on each other you might say.

If you're a young hearted person who likes to make wishes on a far star during a cold winters night, please remember, wishes do come true if you work and ask the help of loving friends.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Driving Back to the Cabin

Woo Hoo! The tempature today was in the single digets hovering around zero, and it snowed. Just look at that gray sky, Mother Nature's blanket to keep the heat from falling to dangerous levels.
Sarah and I drove to town! What? You think thats no big deal? Ask Sarah. She loves to ride shotgun in the truck. I wish we had a horse and sleigh, because it was a perfect day for a sleigh ride.
I think it's going to be another warm night. Tomorrow is clean the stove pipe time, AGAIN.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

-20 Below and Snow

After spending all day and a large part of the evening writing out a post, the program editor acts up. Bam! So much for machine programs. I'll try again later.
Hay God, if your up there somewhere and think your playing a little joke on me...UP YOURS!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just in Time


It really is beautiful here. I love the snow even though at times it can be hard work keeping warm.

Today I'll venture into town for supplies for myself and a friend who lives not far away.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Clowning Around With Planet Earth

"Okey dokey pizza face, put your hands up. Higher! Reach for the stars, it's payback time. Which of you boozn' buffoons was laughing at my pink fuzzy pinafore? All you fat ass's now bend over and touch your toes, or take a zombie round between the eyes. Now reach for the stars. Now touch your toes again. Up, down. Up, down. Up, down."
"Keepm' busy Cheeta while I run a search on what these clowns have been up to. You boys better do what he says, Cheeta looks a little pissed off if you ask me, and he tends to have an itchy trigger finger."
Loud flatulent gas noises erupt as the clowns reach for the sky and bend to touch their toes.
"Ooh, peperoni and rotten' mushrooms! You nasty, nasty, boys. You're truly full of it. No wonder you're dressed in those over sized outfits." The monkey waves one hand back and forth to clear the air while still holding the automatic pistol in the other.
Marshall Elmo Hallberg and highway trooper Giuseppe Cheeta, cuff the fat arsed flatulent clowns and herd them into the back of a county police van.
Elmo shouts as the van drives away, "Don't worry boys, you'll be whipped into shape in no time, and I'll be keeping my eye on you when you return, so better mind your P's & Q's."
Giuseppe Cheetamozzi unzips his monkey suit. "I really dislike having to play the big ape part in these sting operations. I like the C.H.P. outfit better."
"You like to ware those polished motorcycle boots don't you?" Marshall Elmo laughs, "Stop by sometime soon, and I'll make you a cup of espresso with vanilla ice cream."
And so, as the afternoon light dims and snow falls gently on tall ciders , another days work is done. State Trooper Giuseppi Cheetamozzi and Marshall Elmo Hallberg have done their job of keeping the third planet from the sun safe from clowns who use, makeup, and sell drugs to children.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Bigfoot Country

The warmth of Indian Summer pivots.
Now the grizzly wheather is here.
Mountain highlands ware a shawl of placid white.
Days of blue skys and radiant starry nights,
Slow the sojourn tempered tempo to largo.
Bigfoot tracks her way t
o Winter's hideaway.
Home awaits in fur shared shieling.