Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Chance To Live

I know... two more mouths to feed, but I gotta try my best to feed them, and if they live, I'll set them free...on the otherside of the river. :)
Their eyes are not open yet and they seem to sleep more than the baby blue birds I raised several years ago. The little guys even kinda churp. I don't know nothing about raisin' baby field mice.
The next day or two should tell me if they're going to make it. I sure hope so.
...spirit must have a sense of humor, the mouse on my computer started acting up while writing this post...

I'm gonna name them, Winking and Blinking, the Nodie Brothers from Miss Joey's Little Shop of Magic and Mystery. I have to ask myself if this nursing job will cast a shaddow my reputation as a cold hearted, knife toten, bad ass. Oh by-the-way, baby mice stink, so it's a good thing I have some material left from braiding sweetgrass.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hairy Mygalomorphs/Grammostola rosa

My new furry friend is named Lollipop. He's a good boy and ate his meal for today, a juicy grasshopper. After sinking his fangs into his food, he tucked it under one of his front legs and held it like a lunch bag. I was so proud of my little guy.
Good job, good job,
Good job, good job,
You know you did a good job, good job, good job.

Some times people fear things they don't understand, or they may have beliefs that need adjusting just a tad.
It is true that my friend Lollipop has a mean looking set of fangs and knows how to use them, but he's really quite gentle.
Just in case tho, I think I'll offer him another grasshopper tomorrow. He's rather lively this evening...dancing the tarantella around the kitchen. That boy really knows how to shake-a-leg, or two, or four, or more.
If you're not afraid, check out the below website for some interesting facts on tarantula husbandry.