Saturday, February 18, 2006

Express Yourself

Most people say animals can't talk.
This female cardinal tells me, "Hay! The bird feeder is empty!"
Makes me think, and think again, when on occasion we call each other, "bird brain".


Serenity said...

Awwwwwww.. she's gorgeous! Bless her lil heart :)

Aye said...

Animals talk to us all the time, only we're not always that good of listeners. A lot of times its just "feed me", but they say more than that. I remember we used to have a beautiful balinese cat, and as she got older one of her teeth went bad, started poking out sideways. She always was very vocal, but one morning she came meowing to my wife more than usual. She asked her what is was, and then she saw that her tooth had come out. "Oh, your tooth came out!!!", she said, "show me where it is", and the cat took her right to it!!!

susan said...

Does that bird look pissed or what?
With my two, after I know it's not feed me, or take me out for a walk. They want one of two things; scratch my butt(Sarah), scratch my belly(Mic), give me some playtime+love.
Great puss story Aye. Cats like to think they are different(better)don't they?
"The cat who caught the Tooth Fairy", what a story that could be:)

me said...

It's so cold here in Ny, I haven't seen a bird in days. Not even the winter ones! It was nice to see this cardinal pic. Oh how I long for spring!
: )

susan said...

Good morning Miss Crick, I must say, it looks like the start of Spring here in the South. The Forsytheia(?)is almost ready to bloom. One bush has a handful of flowers already(earlybirds:)
I do not miss the frozen West, my cabin, or the hungery stove, and maybe never will. Those that have emailed me say, I got out just in time before the cold struck again; -40 below is about as cold as it gets there. This old bird is to old for that shit.
Come on Spring...even the waiting is fun.

Granny said...

Guess all your bloggin family or parts of it, is gonna know is that, you are in the South somewhere...Glad your happy and warm...

Lilly said...

The cardinal is the NC state bird.
I too hope you are happy and warm and enjoying your new life wherever it may be.

me said...

oh Susan, you painted such a pretty picture. I wish it were spring here! The kids are off from school and I wanted to go to our cabin in the mountains but I just can't handle the cold anymore...getting older I guess. good luck with your new move! You sound happy.
: )

Granny said...

You part-timein us Snusan??

susan said...

Yes Granny, you could say I'm part-timeing yawl for a while.
Everything is so new for me, and there is lots to do, and learn. Just going to the store is an experience; finding my way back to the house makes me feel successful. I do know Main street from one end to the other in High Point. Post Office, Library, Grocery store, Home Depot, are starting points that I can branch off from and explore.

Lilly, I didn't know the cardinal was the state bird, how apropos.

Miss Pank, here in NC, I have met the kindest people and liven is real easy. I may even learn to say suugger like they do:)

Yvonne said...

Glad you are enjoying NC. And I have to agree, there are some mighty fine folks here. Although for several years we lived under the stigma of being ignorant, racist and non-progressive (created by Jesse Helms), most of us do have a kind spirit.

When actually seen with your own eyes, a male cardinal is even more beautiful than the pic. They are a brilliant red. Unfortunately, the female is a drab alburn to brown.

Hope you get to enjoy our state from the mountains to the coast (over 600 miles from one end to the other). I know there is beauty and kindness everywhere, but I am partial to my corner of the world.

susan said...

Went to Home Depot yesterday and had a good size list of things I wanted to pick up. Met a guy named Bob who works there, he walked the whole store with me, showing me where everything was. Wish I had had my camera to take his picture like Granny does. I have never met such nice people for sure. The check-out lady was just as nice, told me she hoped I enjoyed the area, she loved living here and said I would too the longer I stayed. I walked out of the store kinda dumbfounded.
Here's a funny thing, all the food stores(I've found so far)have a meat dept, and a butcher, but all their meat is delivered already boned. I have to find a small place who does their own meat cutting. My dogs need bones to keep their teeth clean, so I'm on the prowl for little hispanic grocery do you say bones in Spanish? :)

Lilly said...

susan, just follow the mexicans.. you will find a store..
here is the translation for you for bone: becareful using it.. tee hee hee.. "hueso" = bone.

Glad you are enjoying the town. NC is THE BEST place!

Granny said...

Susan... When I had my dog I went to the big stores, rang the bell for the butcher and told him I wanted some bones...Simple as dat...

steve turner said...

susan, you became a celebrity at writers, are you coming back?

susan said...

Good morning gang.
Thanks for the tip lilly, hueso(how many ways can you say boner?) Mexican butchers speak english, sounds like a word ver doesn't it?
Granny, I did what you said in several stores. Big places have their meat shipped in preboned packs. All the butcher does is cut waffer thin cuts; you'ed have to sew three together to get a real steak or chop, thus, "ring that bell". In the mean time, I'm having fun looking, exploring, learning about the area.
Steve, I haven't forgotten about the writer's group. Today I hope to set the printer up and work on something to submit. Thanks for the nudge, I wondered where you had been, can't drive by a Waffle House without thinking about ya.

Lilly said...

hahaha and also associate granny wif her purdy teef with the waitresses at the waffle house. haha...
sound like you are taking to being a NC'n susan. I am happy for ya honey.
let me know if you want to do a drive-by or anything. tee hee hee.

Yvonne said...

Lilly, can I come too, huh, huh, please? BTW do you have any particular place in mind? I know cow pastures are out and the park is out (too many tree rats). Oh, I'm sure you could come up with somewhere interesting.

That wasn't Bob the Builder at Home Depot was it, Susan? (Since you do not have two-legged kids, Bob the Builder is a cartoon-like character all the kids get into.)

Nice to hear about your new adventures. It makes me humble to realize how much we have and take for granted. I don't think I've ever lived over 10 miles from a major chain of fast foods, department stores, grocery stores. I live about twenty five miles from a Lowe's Hardware and thirty five from a Home Depot now but there is a local lumber yard/building supply place nearby.

Because you have shared with us how different things were back in Republic as compared to here in NC, I will never take convenience for granted again. Thank you for the lesson.

Lilly said...

yes yvonne you can ride along! We can practice shootin tree rats, then its onto big game animals. haha.
yeah susan, thanks for reminding me how much i take for granted. i have done the country living and it was ok once you had all the supplies and actually were "in" for the night. I'm a city girl. I love my little paths I take in the city and how close everything is to whatever it is I need.

Granny said...

I'm a city gal too... I've lived in the country a few times but my heart has always been in the city and the bigger the better...Guess that's why I like it so much here in Orlando...It's big, it's busy, it's expensive, it's sometimes scarey but I love it...

susan said...

Good Morning City Girls:)
I don't mean to sound like a country hick, it's just the way I used to live was hard, and everything is so easy now. There is a lot to be said for takeing a small step forward in faith, it's a lession I pray I never forget. All of you have helped me in ways you'll never know.

Lilly said...

susan, you gotta take that leap of faith to make things happen. I did it and i cannot begin to express how much better off I am.
Broken heart and all, its damn worth the freedom and to live in the city again. I was way out in the country with a man who nearly killed me several times. Leaps of faith.. step out. I pray that everyone hears god when he speaks to your heart about these things. I had people praying for me that i would hear. I heard it clear as a bell, immediately went and packed my car full of boxes and was out by wednesday. (this was on a sunday afternoon). god is good and god is good all the time. don't ever forget that, and try to remind me from time to time, cuz it is so easy to take things for granted, or be hurt due to how someone you cared about ended up treating u.

susan said...

Yes lilly, your right!
When I feel myself slipping, I look at that picture of Aye with the world at his finger-tips, and say to myself, "me too, me too".