I'm thinking about where I have been, and what I have seen in the past couple of days. Made a three hour drive from Highpoint to the ocean, stayed the night in a place named Southport. Awoke early to a windy morning and stepped outside to walk along the water. Something was floating towards me, so I went to the truck to get the binoculars for a better look; it was a white zippered canvas bag. Where I stood on the bulkhead, I would need a gaff to grab the bag. The bag drifted several yards to snag on some rocks just where the wall tapered, two easy steps down from bulkhead and I grabbed it.
The markings on the wet bag read; "Demo Safety Pac" on one side, and "Life Jackets" in big red letters on the other. While carring the bag back to the deck to finish my coffee, I stoped and looked through a clump of clover for a shamrock. I was thinking a bag of money would be nice... no luck there tho. The contents of the tote: two life jackets, one throwable lifesaver, an orange whistle with lanyard, and a fire extinguisher.
Maybe it's true that you can take the rat out of the river, but never the river out of the rat, I had to smile at what Spirit had sent to me. I'm a totem believing kind of gal, funny, the name of the river...Cape Fear.