Blessed be this county,
No lights, no plumbing, no TV.
Soft ice-balls fall thick as thumbs,
Warm fire thaws the numbed.
Where big birds come for scraps,
Thrown out kitchen window.
Meleagris Gallopavo!
I'm surround by turkeys.
As my eyes stare at the marvel,
They are hunting, scratching, pecking.
Round and round the cabin they go,
Now by wood pile covered in snow.
Long beards drag as feathers ruffle,
Big Tom is first in line to find gold mine.
Excitement builds, fast food thrills,
On December's table cloth of white,
Gobbler's corncob Christmas dinner.
I am no able,
To kill the life I see.
Green eggs and can Spam, road kill jerky,
That's good enough for me.
Look! See! Beauty's free.
Blessed be the bounty.
I know expect you understand,
Unless you know this Highland man.
Meleagris Gallopavo!
These eyes stare at the marvel.
Blessed be the free.
Blessed be the Wild Turkey.
I think my new year's resolution should be to visit here more often!!! Look at all these goodies you've been writing!!! Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
And a Happy New Year to you my friend.
Your warm smileing face on such a cold winter morning is a true blessing.
The Big Birds wave a "Hello" wing to ya. Hope your Christmas was wonderful!!!
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