This pearl tossed into,
The pool of time and space.
I am ring going on forever.
Each now moment,
Never to be again.
Expanding galaxies,
Alone never,
Together forever.
Always to remember,
We exploded in,
Life, kiss sleep awake.
Dream, you sleeper...
Sleeper, I dream...
In love to awake,
Courage from fear,
Light in darkness,
Becoming thus going,
Expanding galaxies.
Energy we touch,
Remember my love
This Life's Gift.
I read the poem and then the bold print only - is that the intention of your post? You seem to have a depth I cannot comprehend, and I love and honor that. I miss you, and that part of you as well. It's like a foggy dream of yesterday, and a look into tomorrow.
Yep, three poems in one, maybe four...it's kinda fun just playing with words and ideas. As to meaning...who knows? I like science, and I like science fiction too. Maybe I've read to many books, or maybe I've not read enough...ya get kinda wird living alone in the middle of nowhere with no TV, radio, etc.
The blessing is I have wood for the winter, and it's chopped and piled. Mark was wonderful in helping me get wood. You should have seen him toss some really big rounds over a fence and onto the road. He wasn't even sore the next day. The three weeks flew by so fast.
Can't access my email as yet...just setting up this computer is $##@#^&*, and slow...this thing brings new meaning to the word slow, but it's better than nothing.
Maybe this week I can get the email thing working.
It's nice to be intouch again, I've really have missed you.
Actually, that being in the middle of nowhere with no TV and radio in itself may be the blessing, too. It can be hard to completely appriciate your poetry with the TV blaring in the background here. Of course, it'll probably be like some of the others that I'll keep coming back to over and over and getting more enjoyment each time!!!
Aye, I tried to visit your blog page. The phone line is to slow.
I have to work on learning how to do the wireless network.
Will try again tomarrow.
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