Miles of broken white-line ribbon snakes across the Nevada flat land as if somehow alive. Dropping down from the foothills, the black-top road ahead shimmers. Earth and sky undulate in unison, making preparation for the hottest day of the year. Rust coloured dirt devils twist along sunbleached fence posts, as a jack rabbit squats in the dirt.
"This will take a minute."
"Hurry up honey. This place gives me the creeps."
Several grasshoppers take flight from an alligator loafer that steps down to the hot pavement.
Without warning, the slamming of the car door, sends the rabbit zigzagging for cover under sagebrush beside a shallow arroyo. In the distance a coyote stops, turning his head towards a high-pitched piercing sound.
"Sweet Jesus, if it isn't Mr. Nixson, you old son of a gun. How long has it been, three, maybe four years? You must be doing real good. Holly Cow! Just look at those fancy shoes." The sidewalk and glass doors in front of the casino glitter in pulsing red and yellow cold neon. Roy Massy's blue eyes sparkled past deep wrinkled leather above an unkempt handlebar mustache. His wide brim Stetson matching his smile.
"Hello Roy! You still working on that ostrich ranch on the other side of Panther Valley?" Nixson looked over the jockey-sized cowboy who stood in front of him; his eyes catching his own reflection in the glass as he adjusted his sun glasses.
"Real sorry to hear about your wife Mr. Nixson. Did they catch who did it?"
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