It's a grey overcast day, I do love the snow tho. Maybe it will snow today. Spring can't be that far away...the smell of new green grass. Of course there will be the weeks of nothing but mud to contend with first. Mic and Sarah's muddy feet to clean before they come back into the cabin, hopefully the water pipes will unfreeze by then...that would be nice. Now I have a deeper meaning to the term "Spring Cleaning".
I like to clean, and after all these months of not having hot and cold running water, I'm going to clean up a storm, then soak in the tub for hours. The simple joy of a shower and clean cloths can be a blessing to look foward to.
How far away is the life I use to know, only memories now, the taste of time past is bittersweet. I was blessed then, and even if at times it's painful to look back, I know that I am blessed today with a most precious gift, this day. May I always remember what my daddy use to tell me when I was a little girl, "Pay attention chickadee, or you'll miss what's really important in life." I may be nothing more than an frowsy frog in a deep well, but my spirit kindles kindly with love and hope. What more of a blessing could my family have given me?
I'd like to visit where that photo was taken, and I'm looking forward to spring as well. only love!
The photo I snagged from the net, I think it's from the Alps. I would rather post my oun photos.
Maybe I can work on that.
The singing coyotes woke me early this morning. Thank goodness the wolves stay higher on the mountain passes. The bears go where the please...they are afraid of my broom. :)
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