My four legged deer friends are always wondering about what I'm doing. Hay, it's good to know my friends care enough to keep an eye on me. I guess you could call them spy's, and yes, they are a little sneaky. Maybe curious is a better word for their behavior. Sometimes I worry about them, and want them to know I'm here to protect them so they can lead happy and healthy lives.
On Christmas night an unusual thing happened.
It was late in the evening and I was in the middle of a long conversation with a literary writer friend who lives in Baltimore. It was pitch black outside, and cold enough to freeze the boleadoras off a brass monkey. A vehicle slowly pulls to a stop out front next to my mailbox.
"Hold on a minute, I need to get my pistol." I said to my friend on the phone. "Somebody just pulled up out front."
I would tell you who it was stopping by to see me at such a late hour on Christmas, but you probably wouldn't believe me, so lets just say the person is friend of mine.
After explaining to my friend on the phone everything was okay, I hung up and proclaimed my joy at seeing my visiting friend. I usually don't get many visitors, and such a special visitor on Christmas night is always a sweet treat.
"You need my help?" I said, "Sure, I'll be happy to help you."
We worked together until the wee hours, stopping only once for several cups of espresso. I like mine with brown sugar and half & half.
Our task was not an easy one, and yet working together was a piece of cake. Because we had previous experience working together, we soon had the difficult situation under control.
Today my friend stopped by again with a present for me.
Now it just so happens that I've been wanting a coffee grinder, and sad to say, my coffee bean supply was running rather low. There is nothing like fresh ground beans to make a delightful cup of espresso on a cold winters morning to perk up ones spirit. My visitor's Christmas gift for me; a "new" Moulin Á Café (coffee grinder) and a bag of Sumatra Mandheling dark roast coffee. Yippee!
And in keeping with the spirit of giving, the next time I go into town, I'm going to stop by the feed store and pick up a bale of alfalfa and orchard mix hay, and maybe also bag of rolled oats to spread out on the picnic table for my four-legged late night team of friends. They enjoy stopping by to see me from time- to-time, and are always courious about my work. It's a comfort to know that even in the darkest hours, there are many loving eyes who are keeping watch so others may sleep in peace and safety. As friends, we keep an eye on each other you might say.
If you're a young hearted person who likes to make wishes on a far star during a cold winters night, please remember, wishes do come true if you work and ask the help of loving friends.
The true spirit of Christmas!!! I had the vision, however, of you and your visiting friend embracing, then a moment later they say to you, "Are you packing heat???"
FICSHOTI = Friends, in certain situations, have only true intentions
"Oh Oui!" Said in my best May West impersonation. "I'm always ready to lock and load, or rock and roll.
I'm now carefully reading the box my new coffee grinder came in:
Maximum Versatility
Superior Performance
Smart Design
It doesn't take much to make me happy.
haha! Greaaat post, kept thinking it was Santa, who came to visit on Christmas. Enjoy your superior coffee...I can smell it brewin from here
Lets check out the facts.
#1. It was late on Christmas night.
#2. I recieved gifts... a fancy coffee grinder and a bag of delicious aromatic coffee beans.
#3. Deer tracks in the snow all around my cabin.
Who in the hell else could it have been?
Quotes for
Yukon Cornelius (Character)
from Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) (TV)
[Rudolph, Yukon and Hermey are traveling through thick fog]
Yukon Cornelius: This fog's as thick as peanut butter!
Hermey: You mean pea soup.
Yukon Cornelius: You eat what you like, and I'll eat what I like!
Rudolph: But you fell off the edge of the cliff.
Yukon Cornelius: Didn't I ever tell you about Bumbles? Bumbles bounce.
Yukon Cornelius: We'll have to outwit the fiend with our superior intelligence.
Rudolph: How?
Yukon Cornelius: Douse your nose and run like crazy!
Yukon Cornelius: You're going to stay with me and we'll all be rich with the biggest silver strike this side of Hudson Bay. Silver!
Hermey: I thought you wanted gold.
Yukon Cornelius: I changed my mind.
Yukon Cornelius: Open up. Isn't a fit night out for man nor beast.
Yukon Cornelius: Here's the man
[Brings in the Abominable Snowman on a leash]
Yukon Cornelius: and here's the beast.
Yukon Cornelius: Observe the bumble's one weakness... The bumble sinks! Ha ha!
Yukon Cornelius: Whoa. Whoa. Unmush, will ya?
King Moonraiser: Come closer. What do you desire?
Rudolph: Well, we're a couple of misfits from Christmastown, and we'd like to live here.
King Moonraiser: No. That would not be possible. This island is for toys alone.
Yukon Cornelius: How do you like that? Even among misfits you're a misfit.
I like being a misfit
I thought yukon came to visit
What are you Pank a mind reader?
It just so happends on closer inspection of the tracks in the snow, both the deer and the turkeys are peeps, AND as the snow was falling late last night, I happened to wake up to the call of nature you might say. I was all sleepy-eyed stumbling through the livingroom in the dark on my way to the bathroom. I happened to look through the livingroom windows. Did you know an Abominable Snowmen, or women(I didn't get that close of a look)was looking in my window? It was big and hairy, white haired, with big kinda sad eyes. I only got a glimpse of it because a moment later it was gone. It was snowing so hard, and I had to pee so bad. I had to choose weather to get dressed and go outside to look for tracks, or pee and go back to bed.
You sure it wasn't John McCain?
Not sure if I would want to piss on him though....
hmmm let me think?
white hair
sad eyes
bearing gifts
be back....
te he
Pank, your chronology of Yukon Cornelius' quotes seems a bit out of sequence. You guys remember the other Rankin-Bass specials??? There were a couple that I'd seen once of twice growing up, and everyone I make mention of them to looks at me like I'm crazy!!! "A Year Without A Santa Claus" and "Rudolph's Shiny New Year". They aired both of them this year for the first time since I was my boys age, I swear!!! There was also "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", which I thought was the one that had the heat miser and cold miser in it, but apparently that was from "A Year Without A Santa Claus". I think that was my favorite part. There was a Miser Brothers special on this year, but I fell asleep while it was on!!!
Know what the little doll misfit toy's misfiticizim was??? According to the Rankin-Bass website, "Her problems were more psychological".
Also, refer to my December 13, 2006 post for a funny take on the ever popular King Moonraiser.
PORIAN = Poor old Rudolph is a noob
yes, yes Aye! I remember them and liked watching them too! Grabbed that quote off the internet...could be a bit jumbled?
Rudolph is my favorite Christmas story because of the misfits and I loved Yukon. ok Susan another dude, I thought of who could have come to visit you is "Po" from the animated flick Kung Fu Panda
hehe that was fun
Po bears logical/wisdom gifts
cute movie I purchased for the boys and we all watched recently.
Gotta cheeck out Ayes site now
Good day
my friend!
enjoy your new coffee
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