Some of the Nation's political leaders put their heads together and decided that this year's Memorial Day Weekend festivities should include a Blast-from-the-Past event. A big "Thanks" to the National Guard for the used equipment donation.
Sad to say, President Obama was unable to attend because of security reasons. Press reporters ask the President if he had any comments. "I'm sure the event was real crowd pleaser. I plan to watch the taped video as soon as I get the chance" Obama looked bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after doing several laps in the White House pool. "We must remember that our Nation was built on Super Stock Car Racing and that has to change. The upcoming Tank Derby Days should be even more exciting. Small towns across the Country are wanting more bang for their money these days." Obama refused to comment on the rumor that his family and friends were scalping tickets. "Now is the time to hop to it, I've got work to do." he said with a toothy grin, "Have a happy holiday."
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