Good job, good job,
Good job, good job,
You know you did a good job, good job, good job.
Some times people fear things they don't understand, or they may have beliefs that need adjusting just a tad.
It is true that my friend Lollipop has a mean looking set of fangs and knows how to use them, but he's really quite gentle.
Just in case tho, I think I'll offer him another grasshopper tomorrow. He's rather lively this evening...dancing the tarantella around the kitchen. That boy really knows how to shake-a-leg, or two, or four, or more.
If you're not afraid, check out the below website for some interesting facts on tarantula husbandry.
She lives!!! I was afraid they'd carted you off for your expose writings or something...
Have I ever made mention of the one time we'd gone hiking back to the base of some falls. There were several people there, and I had to drain. Hiked back the trail a ways looking for appropriate tree or bushes, but being at the end of a steep canyon, it wasn't widening out enough for anything to grow. A few hundred yards back, I decided to scramble up to where a pile of loose rocks met with the canyon wall. I was doing my business, when I looked a couple of feet to my left, and there was one of this fella's kinfolk!!! Good thing I was already going, because if I wasn't, I likely would have started (IN MY PANTS!!!)
DICUS = Does it concern U, sonny???
I ain't taken' no Myers-Briggs Personality type test again.
Lol...the Grammostola was a gift from a friend.
If you think he's scary, you should see the creepy crawlies I feed him. I'm raising(blaptica dubia)South American cockroaches.
Thank God I have several pair of combat boots just in case they ever get loose.
That's a pretty spider. Heat lamp needed for the winter, or a heating pad.
Thank you pank, I fed him a big grasshopper yesterday and he went into his half flowerpot burrow covered with shredded coconut husks.
I'll check out the thrift shop for a heating pad...two heatings pads, one for lollipop and one for little Winkey and Blinkey...which are both curled up and sleeping after eating their breakfast. :)
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