Saturday, October 10, 2009


Guess we all know who wares the pants in Captain Aye's family.
An everyday american hero, a friend and neighbor, a family man dressed in casual attire, and yet ready to step-up-to-the-plate when need.
Read about the weekend exploites of this reluctant but extremely good looking caped crusader. Here


Anonymous said...

:) A nmice tribute to our wonderful heroic friend! With hopes to some day meet him and his family!

Aye is our hero, jeans an all!


the word verb, pirate King!

Pankles with cankles

Aye said...

Haha, great picture!!! I was a little surprised to see that here. Actually, I managed to win a cape for the youngest yesterday at Magic Mountain!!! Another busy, but not nearly so eventful weekend, it was...

Anonymous said...

That's our Aye!

