Sunday, September 20, 2009

Elegant Sheep Moth

While visiting my friends Doug and June Olberding, Doug pointed to a most beautiful Lepidoptera (the insect order of butterflys and moths) sitting on a sun bleached fence rail in their garden. At first glance, I thought it was a butterfly because of the colour and shape. On looking closer, I noted the feather fan shaped antennae and slightly thicker and fuzzy body. Butterflys are mostly brightly coloured, have thin smooth body shapes with round knobs at the end of their antennae. Moths have a tendency to be dull in their colouration, not so for the elegant sheep moth.
The latin name Hemileuca eglanterina has a nice ring when spoken outloud. This moth looks very much like a brightly coloured butterfly with such dramatic eye catching colours, I was surprised that I had never seen the species before. The photo I found to go with this post really doesn't do eglanterina justice. Here
After my wonderful visit with my friends, both of whom are retired and yet remain busy in their fields of interest. I drove home to do some entomology (the study of bugs and insects) research of the area where I live in Washington State. The thrill of seeing such a beautiful creature named hemileuca eglanterina is truly a blessing, as is the blessing of having interesting friends like Doug and June Olberding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really nice post...beautiful moth
