Saturday, November 28, 2009

Playing the Game of Evony

Several months ago I started playing an internet computer game called Evony, and I must say, for a time it was quite addictive, comsuming much of my time. Because I do not read code, I can only guess as to how it works. Of the many ways to play the game, I have found the main feature is, monitors discretion. Like a telephone operator, a game monitor is an overseer with the power to help or hinder by changing the parameters of the game, with the goal being to get non-paying players to open an account in order by gaming coins.
Evony may be a ruse for gathering information on individuals as well as piggy backing internet access for other uses, of course, that is only my personal speculation.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Glad to see you writing again! phew! I was worried there a bit..:)

I thought we lost your talent to Evony!



Aye said...

Ah, Evony, producers of some of the best banner ads ever!!! My oldest plays it sometimes. Of course the idea is to get you to pay, how do you think they make their money??? I played Runescape for years before I finally started paying for a subscription (I figured I spend more on sodas a month than the subscription... and I don't even drink that much soda!!!) and I see the way they keep you paying once you start, too!!!

Don't know how much information they could actually gather about you. As for piggy backing, they'd have to have a physical presence fairly close, and you'd have to have an unencrypted wireless router access point (and if you have that, you're pretty much inviting anyone to piggy back on your account). In other words, seems like it'd probably be more trouble than it's worth, easier just to take people's money for an addictive game!!!

Oh, and speaking of their banner ad campaign, I saw this a while back, which I found rather amusing!!!

susan said...

"Forever Free, for a Fee"
Well, my days of playing Evony are over, guess they didn't like my comments about their game, and the fact that I couldn't open an account.
I wonder what other games are out there?