Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Little Spring Cleaning

Yesterday morning after starting a fire to warn up the cabin, unbeknownst to me, my horse SunDance had knocked off the outside chimmey vent. Oh no! The stove pipe started smoking bad. Thank goodness I keep my welding gloves by the stove. I promply through red hot burning firewood out the front door and opened up the back door to clear out the smoke.
What a wonderful way to start the day, and me still in me jammies. I felt like Cinderella  scooping out hot ashes into a large stainless steel salad bowl. It was a bomie thirty-five degrees in the cabin so I closed the back door and waited for the stovepipe to cool down. I had ment to clean it the daybefore but was lazy and had put it off.
While cleaning the stovepipe, Sundance kept nickering and trying to help me, or maybe he was just laughing. The whole process took most of the morning and by late afternoon I had the mess cleaned up and another fire going. The cabin was warm and cozy again, then I looked in the mirror. "Oh no! So that's what a middle aged Chinderella looks like." Thank goodness for soap and hot running water. All-in-all, it still was a good day.


Ellen said...

I hadn't read that one until today. I love it, and you. Sundance seems to have all the spice you have - what a match. There are no mistakes are there? Spring is on it's way!

Anonymous said...

so, hey, I agree with Ellen, love it and you..........

not sure where to post incidentals,
but so very glad with the help of Ellen I finally found you.

Life here in my wilderness is lonely, but beautiful. I can often focus on the negitive, but try so very hard to stay positive.

I love your little pony and all I know he means to you. The same as all "gods' little creatures mean to me, which he /she brings me often and in abundance.

I am grateful for them as they seem to be the one solid thing which keeps me sane?..........

I am trying to gather my blog stuff although I seem to be quite slow at it as I am a bit tech challenged. Bear with me as Dani has great pics which I would love to share with ya.

Just a side note....Ellen, you spoke of your white hair! Wow it is beautiful! i wish mine would come in so full and pretty!

Anyway merry met and good nite