Ever been so cold and hungry, so lonely, that you are willing to rip your guts out and eat'm for breakfast? I feel like a junkyard dog behind a cyclone fence who has been teased, stick poked, and baited beyond the point of sanity. Society tells me, "be good, keep quite, go lay down". What a mind job. Ferruled is my lilac walking stick. Named her "Herrenvolk thumper", and I plan to use it because I know how.
Reminds me of some people upon waking, though I am happy in the mornings. Ferruled - great word...I'm using the dictionary these days much more while reading your words. Thank you my lovely writer friend.
Reminds me of some people upon waking, though I am happy in the mornings. Ferruled - great word...I'm using the dictionary these days much more while reading your words. Thank you my lovely writer friend.
I've always said its no good having a stick if you don't know how to use it :Þ
It's snowing, drinking water only until when? Spring? What two months? I can do that.
Just call me Stinky.
I'm smiling, I'm blessed with friends.
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