Believe it or not, the outer covering on these old birds is canvas. Sitting behind the loud roaring propeller, wind whistling through the wires, and me wearing my uncle's WWI helmet.
The scariest, most frighting maneuver is called, "The Hammer." Pull the stick back and climb until the engine stalls. Everything is quiet except the pounding of your heart, then the plane slides down like an arrow coming down, only tail first, back-ass-wards as my mother would say. This is where you have to keeeeep your wits, or...ya make a big hole in the ground. Rolling over like a pigeon having a fun, the plane is still out of control until you restart the engine. Throttle out, throttle, throttle...the engine kicks over...thank the lucky stars! Slowly pulling back on the joy stick so as not to kill the engine again, you make a wide looping recovery, and it's smooth sailing until you decide it's time for another act of insanity.
I regret never being up in a glider, but my experience of flying a biplane is a treasure to remember. I still have the Thunderbird patch my uncle gave me, it's pinned to the sun visor in the truck. The helmet, I gave to a friend who has a military museum.
Like ÃÝË would say, Good Times!
Man! I can't believe you know how to fly a plane too!! That is sooo cool! I want to get a pilot's license soooo bad...some day!
Want to jump out of one too.
my email stunk it was about not opening your turkey email...i wanted to but I'm not opening anye with attachments...sometimes, you may have been sent something and it passes with out you even knowing...no offense but i like finally having a puta that works.
so I will not take chances...thanks for sending it though, but if I don't commnet, it's usually when there was an attachment or photo.
The attachment was a future blog post that I wanted you to read.
Doesn't your server and you're computer tell you if their is any problem with the attachment?
I told you that I have piloted planes before...and no, I never got my Pilot's License. Flying is easy, landing is another story...
Ya need to go to ground school first, and the time in the air is all rather expencive, all that cost big bucks these days, but that doesn't mean you can't go up for an hour or so, just to see if it's something that you might want to persue.
As to jumping out of a plane, again it is the landing that counts...like stay away from grape vinyards, it can get real nasty when landing in a grape vines, or a forest of trees...ask any Smoke Jumper.
I didn't get an email from you, so what do you mean by, "...my email stunk..."
Do you mean my email stunk?
Do you want me to re-send the email with out the photo?
I blogged that I wanted to send you an email, but i was tired. the email I was going to send you was about me not opening an email you sent me titled, "Turkey". Then you commented on my blog asking me where's your email? i thought you were talking about the email i said i was going to send you on my blog. I never read your turkey email, I never opened it. I saw that it read, "turkey' in the reference. Yes, if you can send it back without the photo that would be super cool.
man this is all getting like "telephone line"...without the telephone...everythings getting all mixed up.
My email to you...stunk. So I didn't send it, it was an email explaining that I didn't open your email...so it stunk becuase i hate not being able to open emails because of how many times viruses have been put into my computer! One time, i received a virus through an email that my good friend sent me becuase she didn't know that it was forwarded from a friend that had a virus in thier computer. Not all emails are safe, even when you don't know it.
I can't afford to buy another computer, so I don't take chances. No, virus protection software is ever up to date good enough to protect any PC. New viruses come out every single day.
Now, I would love to read any blog post or anything you would want me to read. But please, don't send an attachment ot photo. I can't take the chance.
And I would NEVER insult you like that, your emails never stink, I don't have any complaints about anything about you and I'm sorry if i didn't remember that you have flown...i do not remember you telling me that...or reading it.
No excuses, just honesty. I don't think you did tell me that. I would have remembered that.
But if you did, well...then
I don't know what to say
was I peein?
maybe i was trying to pee quiet on the phone, when you were telling me and I got all caught up in my noises...i dont know?
Goodness, whats up with ya?
You sound mad.
oh, that was from panky skanky
if ya wanna talk, let me know, send me an email when i can call you..ok?
everythings gonna be allright, Susan... something is wrong,your upset.. I can feel it.
I'm here if you need me
Pank ya'll getting your pink bloomers in an up roar about nothing...I don't get mad, I was just asking about the email because I wasn't sure.
No problems, don't worry...be happy. Relax!
I understand about your not wanting to open an email with a photo, or attachments. I'll email you one without a photo. :)
I guess it was the Turkey title...LMAO, some folks say the word turkey as an insult...personally I like them, their beautiful birds.
You pee when your on the phone?
I use to pee out of tall trees when I was a kid, and was to lazy to climb down. You don't even want to know about spending all day up a fruit tree. Gives new meaning to the term, taking a stroll :(
Yes, I piss on phones. My phone is a lovely shade of sunny yellow.
It's a fetish thang.
The action saves me from pissing on the actual person.
which could get a bit messy.
;O Sarah palin
Pank, my nephew'll give you a great deal on flying lessons!!! Susan, *Jaw dropped in disbelief* WOW, that hammer maneuver sounds INTENSE and INCREDIBLE!!! Even being in a cessna, the sensation was a lot more like gliding in a kite than being in a commercal jet. I have to imagine that sensation is even more so in one of those WWI biplanes, especially with the engine cut off. But probably more like riding a rock as it plummets out of that maneuver!!! My nephew did a "reverse G" trick a couple of times, and that is an... interesting sensation, but it's a lot more controlled than that. I'll bet everyone would go batshit if they saw someone doing the Hammer in the crowded skies over Long Beach!!!
It's the sound of the engine when you're in a steep climb...uhh, uhh, uhh...just before the engine stalls.
There is a song, "In the Summertime" by Mungo Jerry.
Half way through the song there is a sound effect, always remindes me of that moment. "Oh shit! Here we goooooo..."
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