Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Johnna's Bead Work

This is a sample of the bead work my friend Johnna does. I know the photo isn't the best, but her beading is. She also makes the best beer. I am blessed to have such a good friends as Johnna and Lou.
On a warm Summer's afternoon at the ranch, to sit on the porch with my friends while the cattle dogs keep a watchful eye and a several cats snooze, to look out on the breath taking view of the mountain with dozens horses and the longhorns grazing peacefully and share a few homemade brews while the barbecue waifs the mouth watering smell of roast chicken. "It don't get any better than that." as my friend Peter would say. (Peter smokes the best salmon I've ever tasted.) So I'm bragging, you would too. Good friends, good conversation, good food, and Johnna's home brew... Yahoo!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Guano for Sale

We would gather all the bat shit we could find, scoop it up in gunny sacks, and sell it for fertilizer to a little old Italian man who lived down the street.
"I buya alla the guano you bringa me." he would say, and so he did. He had the best garden in the neighborhood. Heck, he had the best garden in the whole town. He would say to us, "You smart bambanos, you worka hard, you makea your parents proud." Sad to say I don't remember his name after fifty years, but I do remember his dark tan face, his sparkling eyes, and the way he always rolled up the sleeves of his clean white shirt just like my daddy did. David and I would take him a gunny sack full of guano and he would share with us the bounty of what he grew in his garden, plus a few bucks for spending money. Now that I look back on those times, I guess my brother and me wasn't as nearly as poor as we thought we were.
Janell Cannon's book, Stellaluna is a wonderful story about trying to fit in when you're just a little different than your friends. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=s5&oq=Stellalu&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GWYE_enUS248US286&q=stellaluna+summary
Being a fruit bat may not be easy, because if you're different, you may have to try a little harder than most.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Are Foreign Banks Raping America?

Is the United States of America just another piece of ass for the corporate big boys?
Forewarned is Forearmed
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Momma WhoDo's Interview

Reporter Carry Crum from the Washington Post interviews Momma WhoDo Juju Bean at her castle fortress.
Momma: Being an Island Queen isn't as easy as it looks. Keeping an eye on me people is hard work.
Reporter: Is it true you had a relationship with Groucho Marks?
Momma: Where in the hell do you think he got the idea to smoke cigars and tell jokes?
Reporter: What are your plans for this week?
Momma: Well I sure as hell ain't going to the beach. Say, your kinda cute.
Reporter: Do you always smoke such big blunts?
Momma: Only when I'm working.
Reporter: Is it true you have an army of Zombies?
Momma: Where in the hell did you hear that? I run a legitimate operation.
Reporter: What do you think about the new U.S. tax on tobacco?
Momma: For lands sake, that was just a little April Fools Day joke me minions cooked up. I can't help it if people are stupid.
Reporter: Thanks for the interview Momma Who Do.
Momma: Any time cutie pie. I hear voodoo drumming, it time to dance.

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