Reporter Carry Crum from the Washington Post interviews Momma WhoDo Juju Bean at her castle fortress.
Momma: Being an Island Queen isn't as easy as it looks. Keeping an eye on me people is hard work.
Reporter: Is it true you had a relationship with Groucho Marks?
Momma: Where in the hell do you think he got the idea to smoke cigars and tell jokes?
Reporter: What are your plans for this week?
Momma: Well I sure as hell ain't going to the beach. Say, your kinda cute.
Reporter: Do you always smoke such big blunts?
Momma: Only when I'm working.
Reporter: Is it true you have an army of Zombies?
Momma: Where in the hell did you hear that? I run a legitimate operation.
Reporter: What do you think about the new U.S. tax on tobacco?
Momma: For lands sake, that was just a little April Fools Day joke me minions cooked up. I can't help it if people are stupid.
Reporter: Thanks for the interview Momma Who Do.
Momma: Any time cutie pie. I hear voodoo drumming, it time to dance.

LMAO!!!!! hahaha
I love her!
just paid 6.57 for a pack of butts!
Are cigars cheaper?
ask Momma
Mamma WhoDo JuJu Bean says, "Me zombie army are looking to have some fun. Personaly, I'm working on my golf swing. As to your question... A good cigar is like an all day sucker, sweet and worth every nickel."
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