My Father came from the Stars,
Together they built the pyramids.
From a dark hole I was born.
Divine hands raised me,
To the light of the night sky,
Now I shine in perfect light.
For a thousand years I sat alone,
Thinking-I cupped water in my hands,
No words I write are untrue.
I am old, and young, and middle aged.
All my sisters are Queens.
All my brothers are Kings.
I've been called a brat and a snot,
What care I what they think of me.
Hey a new photo of ya!
Shinning with the glorious light
writings of gold
family's suck sometimes
chin up
brush that talk off your sleeves
u r special
:) At last I have found/recovered, my kindred spirit, my sister, my friend.
Too much time has past, too many memories unmade. Although at last, we come together where our history may be made.
Oh to be..........or not...
a reflection in a mirror, is it real or is it an illusion?
Gosh sometime I hope it's just an illusion as I don't always like what I see.
And then other times..who is that wonderful person staring back at me?
Often it is a reflection of those who care so much about me.
Yes, I am blessed, and so often I am shown it.
I just hope that spirit keeps me safe til one day I will own it.
Love and rockets :)
well, lol if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again......
I wrote a really kewl "blog to my very dear friend....and the world of internet obviously ate it. and of course it was all spontaneous and absolutely magnificent, and GONE!
Hah, the only kewl part is no one can dispute it's magnificence. As that it is no longer available for dispute!!!!
So I try once again and offer no guarantee of greatness as a replica never seems to hold the same weight.
To my long lost friend, sister, soul sibling....crap..already not the same good words, but I guess you get the point.
To be......or not to?
So many times I look into the mirror, often times unhappy with what I see.
And other times the reflection, is a perfect plan..... of who I wish to be.
To become a "better person" I search my soul externally.
It's really hard to not live up to being the better part me.
My struggle shows in my wrinkling skin and whitening hair. I should have invested in Loreal Care.
This post is so rhymey it about makes me sick as the last one was more deep and was my initial pick.
I am sorry it's tacky and not up to par but I am trying to learn how to blog from afar...
As I have felt so disconnected over the last several years.
The pain and the sadness still beings me to tears.
Maye this is how my path needs to evolve, to find a way out, and in from the fog.
LOL, I love ya Susan, and I am sorry this was not my first and best post, But as Dr. Seuss might say: "It is what it is 110% of the way"
Love and rockets,
now they are both there, with nothing to dispute....Learning how to blog, is truly a hoot!
so I really didn't know you had to approve my post first, I thought the web ate it, a machine with a thirst!
Yeah ok so I don't always need to ryme...but I love ya like always!
Your one of a kind, HA
Ill stop now, I swear, Ive just got this whole Dr. Suess thing inbeded in me....
Love and rockets :)
Says it all...from the depths to the light... spiral on, dear one, you're soaring.
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