Well! As you can see by my writing, some of my moods are better than others. Yes, I do tend to run hot and cold... my paintings are even more graphic if you can imagine that. I don't believe in the "starving artist" idea. I want a happy ending to this story of mine, and censorship of any of my thoughts or feelings only act as chains to tie me down. I'll take my ups and downs in this life. It's true my highs are high, and my lows are low... I've no need to mask them with drugs, I've been down that road before...no joy there.
When I make mistakes, they are just that, mistakes...I'm no mistake. What's the saying, "When you are green you grow, when you are ripe you rot ". Guess that makes me an old sprout, but I'm still growing, learning, trying to better myself. Who said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Just sitting here this morning I've learned quite a lot and had some fun in doing so. My blog is up-to-date, and best of all, I can post pictures to go along with my scribblings.
Never stop learning, that is the key. Seems to me that as we age we seem to enjoy learning more, too.
It's always good to see that smiling face, and the world at your finger tips.
Yes Aye, learning new things is a joy. May we never stop learning, and inspire those around us with hope and courage.
Have a marvelous day Aye.
wow! i'm inspired. you are truly a wonderful painter susan!!
Lilly! Guess it's time to take some photos of my paintings. They are not done in the classic style of the painting I posted. My paintings are, ahhh...more like kiddies finger painting, kinda like my writing.
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