This is a photo I took several years ago, it was taken outside by back door after a rain storm.
I'm learning about copyright rules.
When I started blogging, I learned to click on photos from around the world and save them to my computer so I could use them on my blog. Now I find out that's not lawful if the photos are copyrighted. I have a head full of ideas and questions as to why. I don't have the money, or know now to copyright. Does that mean only rich people can be an artist? People have stolen so much from me, I say, take it, but only if I give it.
I am blessed with many gifts. There are many people in my life who know and love me, and most of all, they trust me. I am a trustworthy person. I sleep very well at night (that's a blessing too). I wouldn't think of stealing somebody's art work and selling it as my own...Hell, I give most of my shit away. I would love to have some of my work published, but as you can see my spelling and grammar isn't up to par. So I'm not as smart as those who make moneyat writing. I don't need lots of money.
I know how to make money. Work! I have been self employed most of my life, and didn't have the time for school learning like most people. I was busy working, yet I love to learn, and have paid a high high price. Being cold and hungry, spit on, lied to, etc. is no fun, but it made me dig deep within myself. I can stand up straight even though I'm gay, look anyone in the eyes and be afraid and also have courage. I would like to say what other people think of me doesn't bother me, but that would be a lie, because I do. It hurts me...somewhere I read, "It takes a river of tears to water the soul."(I wonder if the saying is copyrighted?) As my mother would say, "You can't get blood from a turnip, and they can't cut you up and eat you." I don't know ma, they are sure trying. If she was here she would say, "Bless your little pointed head." and follow that with a kiss and a hug. (Mom, I could use a hug right now. Don't worry daddy, I'm still standing. It took four of then to knock me down, but I got right back up. Now there on the run.":) It's hard to stand in the middle ring, to be in balance, tell the truth to the best of my ability. When you tell the truth to the best of your ability... what more could a loving and kind God ask of me? I'm no saint that's for sure, but I am blessed with my life and what gifts that are mine to do with as I please.
I make mistakes true, but I am not a mistake. I learn from my mistakes. It's a blessing to know when to hold on and when to let go, when to fight, and when to forgive. I will try harder to understand about copyright laws, but what has been given to me, is mine to do with as I see fit. Stepping on people's toes just isn't me, but I'm tired of being stepped on.
Because I was taught as a child to be a giving person, people give me things, most of which I gave away to those who are in need more than myself. My daddy never had very much, because he gave everything away. It's a blessing to be able to give. Stealing is something else. As a friend of mine would say, "Touch my cup, and there will be hell to pay." I'll let my friends in high and low places judge my work.
I think my family has been, is, and will continue to be proud of me. My family may have been poor, but they gave me the best they had to give... heard lessions about life and a whole lot of love. Balance is the key. I stand on strong shoulders and walk a tightrope, my net has always been spirit's loving wings. They hold me high and protect me with their love. :)