Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Lock of Relegate

My ship I fear lost, I have no device to measure real time on this frightful prison planet. I try to blockout the alien's meslée, a mellifluous communication. Their sonic language can kill. It is similar to an earwig that eats into the brain, leaving only a hollow shell of a skull behind, When the madness of being alone weakens me, I listen in the night to their piped-in lies. It feeds on my brain, killing my strength ever so slowly. Soon the planet's temperature will increase, scorching all life on the surface.
"Good riddens remora." I say.
A nasty Epocolips death they called it. In my cell at the bottom of a deep cave shaft, I spit out a hot stream of salty blood after pulling another festering tooth, and I curse their fat rotting flesh to hell.
The cold slime in this prison grows thick, the stench unbearable. What little air allotted to me is feted. A gelatinous insect creature shimmers at my cell door. Casting a faint glow, it speaks in a high auditory tone.
"We offer you the same deal as we offered to your shipmates; comply and we will release you as we did them."
"Eat my shorts mush face." I suck a fresh clot of blood and spit it through the bars of the cave. The creature hue reddens as it turns away... again leaving me in the dark.
Something scurries over my bear feet. I stomp a shuttered dance to kill it, and wonder if there are more of them waiting to catch me off guard. There have been times when I have awakened to them feasting on my feet.
I have escaped this prison many times only to be recaptured and beaten. They torture me in ways only mankind can think up, yet I am still here.


Aye said...

A perfect post for Memorial Day!!! A rememberance for POW's.

susan said...

Missing in action the first teleagram read.
The second: Missing, presumed dead.
The War Department sent two uniformed offcers instead of the third.
"We are sorry to inform you..."
They couldn't stay long, their daily duty not over.
My brother's bones decompose in the cockpit of his Navy Jet at the bottom of the China Sea.
The years pass, I'll never forget,
The look on my Mother's face.

Ellen said...

I am so sorry for all the lost soldiers, over what?? I thanked two soldiers yesterday as I purchased a vanilla bean drink at Starbucks. One soldier said 'thank you for your support' and I muttered inside 'it breaks my heart', but would not say it aloud!