On high a choir of angels sing,
Goes down the lady and her man.
Dark alleyway led by unseen hand,
Both now wear a wedding ring.
Regal lead fat lamb fathered,
The first born misbegoten lame.
Born of natural way,
Up the rebate demond came.
Sticky sweet the soul of life,
Lost is screw-top, an empty bottle sap.
Many pray from pamphlet pages,
Indebt roll, an indecent assault.
Few believe, blood of rape war wages,
Fuel leaking, cold creeping on stage.
Her last chance, this love redeeming.
Both my mother and father drank themselves to death at an early age. Most of my family have been cursed with addictions in one form or another. I learned about shame at an early age and have fought all my life to overcome that feeling of not being good enough.
I am blessed because I am able to look back in my memories and can forgive my family.
We are all family in a way. Life can be bittersweet, a mix of pain and sorrow, happieness, joy and great love. As human beings we can learn to make better choices, weak points are possible strong points.
Happy Mother's Day Mom.
Thank you for the love you gave to me. I believe you and Dad are proud of me. My gift to you is that I'm doing my best to tell the truth like you taught me. I'm still working on learning to spell and my grammer is improving. :)
Of course there are thoses who may read this and think me a nut case...Oh well! What most people think of me is none of my busness. I am doing the best I know how at this time in my life. It's a learning process, and I'm learning to live my life one day at a time.
I am reminded of Victor Frankle's book, "Mans Search For Meaning", and I wonder.
When my Jewish mother-in-law was dieing, her doctor of many years called. He wanted to stop by one last time to pay his respects and say goodby. After she died, he sent a bill for his vist.
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