The smell of cannon and gunpowder slowly wafts down the hallway, through the living room, and into the dinning room. Jeff and Shay Patrick look at each other in a casual haut monde manner, and roll their eyes.
"Captain Siskiyou, let me introduce you to my good friends, this is..."
"It's Commander now Victor. I do not wish to seem rude, but I have read the files on each of your friends that now sit at this table and..."
Gertrude stood up abruptly, her small blue eyes sending daggers of light at Siskiyou.
"I'm sure you have Commander, however, you will conduct yourself as a gentle man and an officer at this table. I am aware that you have come through from a parallel world at war. As you know this is a place of peace, a neutrality zone. Pendragon's hard working apprentice Bobby Twofeathers has been so gracious as to prepare a wonderful meal for us, and you will enjoy his efforts. Do I make myself clear Commander?"
"Yes Mother."
With his mouth agape, Pendragon's soup spoon shuttered to an abrupt stop, as did Shay Patricks. Bobby had just picked up the tail end of the conversation as he came from the kitchen carrying the heavy crystal salad bowl.
"Gertrude, you didn't tell us Captain Siskiyou is your son."
"Sit down dear Bobby, your Créme au Potiron is delightful. Don't you agree Jeffery? Jeff's head nodded like a glued on back window baseball Kewpie doll, minus the grin. Victor raised his napkin, light dabbed at the yellow soup that had spilled on his silk vest.
"The Chicken is done, although I think the oven needs calibrating."
A howl erupted from the back yard, a mournful howl as ever was to be heard on the moors of Lockmab. The windows suddenly shook as thunder and lighting light up the night sky. The rain pours down as if it would never stop.
"Go get your dog big shot." said Gertrude with a wave of her hand towards the kitchen and the backdoor."
"I'll get him for you." Bobby was up and heading for the kitchen before anyone had a chance to say a word. He peeked in the warming oven for a moment to check on his chicken, grabbed a large towel from the linen rack, then opened the back door. The wolfhound stood with a most mournful sadness about him. Those sad eyes tugged at Bobby's heartstrings. "Get in here Junior you're soaking wet and freezing by the looks of you." The ham bone remained firmly clinched in the big dogs teeth. Bobby bent to cover the shivering hound with a towel before he had a chance to shake water all over Pendragon's kitchen floor. "Dang dog, I need another towel".
"Here Bobby." Victor handed bobby a large towel, and lay a wool blanket down.
"He's gonna make a mess Mr. Pendragon."
"I know. It's okay, we can clean it up later. He'll be warm and safe for now."
"How come things never seem to turn out the way you would like them to?"
"Never? Are you giving up? "Victor Pendragon's smile always made Bobby feel better. Chin up my boy, wash your hands, and serve our guests their dinner. I'll open that special bottle of white wine I've been saving. I think this occasion calls for something special to go with your rosemary and thyme roast chicken.
The wolfhound lay with his head down as he stretched out on the warm wool blanket. Junior's big eyes seemed follow Victor and Bobby's every move as they returned to the dinning room. His big paw remained draped protectively over the well gnawed ham bone. Some things, like true friendship are worth holding on to.
Gertrude is Siskiyou's mother??? Didn't see that twist coming!!! Well done!!!
Thanks! I thought if I was going to add a twist to the story, I might as well make it a duzy. Two hardboiled charactors, Mother and Son on different sides of the stab at conflict.
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