Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Magic Cook Book/part two

Jeff Fruitnick and Shay Patrick sat themselves on tall kitchen stools. Sipping their sherry, they began playfully ribbing Bobby Twofeathers as he stirred the simmering content of a copper sauce pan with a wooden spoon. With his starched white apron showing his fastidiousness, and his chiefs hat worn low and to one side Louisiana style, Bobby certainly looked the part of a man that could cook..
"Go ahead and laugh." he said with a pouting grin. "You can still be my friends when I'm a rich and famous Chief."
"What's money have to do with it Bobby?" Shay ask.
"What's money have do do with it? Why everything. Jeff has all those leisure suits, and you Shay Patrick are hung-up on bow ties, and I have a dream. Is it wrong to want to be somebody?"
A high pitched voice answered. "You already are somebody Bobby, a very special somebody, my friend, we love you." Gertrude Perlskin stood with her arms crossed, her shoulder lightly leaning against the the kitchen's archway entrance. Her wool tweed jacket, white silk blouse, and grey flannel slacks had seen better days, and yet she wore them as if she had just stepped off a plane from London on a boutique shopping spree. Her ironwood fox-head umbrella rested in Pengragon's Ohio Roseville umbrella stand in the foyer.
Gertrude Perlskin stood half the height of Bobby Twofeathers. She had to bend her neck back to an uncomfortable position to look him in the face. Bobby took several sideways steps from the stove, bent low to kiss her on the cheek.
"Thanks Gertrude." he said, then stepped back to the counter to glance over the notes Pendragon had written out concerning the various recipes for that nights dinner. Bobby vowed he would do his very best. Attention to detail was his forte...he loved to cook for his friends. After all, food prepared with love is a joy in life, pure magic as Pendragon would say.
"As always Bobby, whatever you're cooking smells wonderful. What are we having for dinner tonight?"
"Jeff, you're the man with a keen nose, can you guess?" Victors pearly smile and Bobby's toothy grin turned to Jeffery. Jeffery closed his eyes for a moment to answer.
"Roast Chicken with rosemary and thyme... caramelized potatoes, turnips, and carrots."
"Yes!" said Victor proudly, as he poured Jeff another sherry. Shay Patrick adjusted his bow tie as if he had known all along Jeff would know the answer.
"Victor, where is this mystery man you have invited to dinner?" Gertrude's bird like voice seemed to have a hint of impatiences in her question... just as the doorbell ring.
"Please, all of you into the dinning room." Bobby ladled the Créme au Potiron soup into a large tureen, and pulled a tray of golden brown croutons from the broiler oven. Pendragon's velvet smooth pumpkin purée with fresh ground white pepper is called comfort food. When cold winter rains pelted on the many window panes that looked out over the stormy moors of Lockmab, it is always a warm and cosy time for Mr. P's Créme au Potiron.
"Oh My!" said Gurtrude. She could see into the foyer area from where she stood as they all gathered around the dinning room table. She could see a big hulk of a man handing a wet oiled leather slicker, and a...'what were they called in the American West?' a tin gallon hat to Pendragon. The big man was not alone. By his side was the biggest dog Gurtrude Perlskin had ever seen.
Both Jeff and Shay sucked in air as if it might be their last breath, as they looked over their shoulders toward the front door. Coming from the kitchen, Bobby too looked towards the door just as he placed the hot soup tureen on the table. From the look on his face, and his shaking hands as he pulled away from the table, it was a good thing he hadn't looked a moment sooner, or they would have all been wearing Pumpkin soup for dinner. Without saying a word, Bobby did a quick about-face and hurried back into the kitchen.


Aye said...

I wasn't hungry at all before I read this story...

Who could this mysterous man and his huge dog be???

susan said...

I'm winging this story as I write it...
It's a cold gray day here, as I look out my window it's snowing on the mountain peaks. This is June isn't it?
In the news I'm reading about the,"Attack Of The Killer Tomatos"
I think the mystery man and his dog is from an alternate world. He is on a mission to find his daughter Leia. He will need the help of Pendragon's crew to follow the trail of breadcrumbs left behind by her kidnapers, alien agents of the Lucent Confederacy.

susan said...

By the way...Do you know of any way to get Hotmail to reopen my email account?

Aye said...

Haven't had a lot of experence with Hotmail. I suppose you tried the obvious stuff like using recovery questions and stuff???