Siskiyou sat very still, starring at his salad plate, in deep thought, private hell... the look of a honorable man faced with an unsolvable dilemma. The salad dressing had a delicate magical flavor. He had to admit, Bobby Twofeathers was an exceptional apprentice chief. The new Commandor of the Western Republic Free Space Sector had not tasted such food in months. The smell of roast chicken continued to drift from the kitchen. Sweet floating ribbons of caramelized potatoes, carrots, turnips mingled, weaving their way from his nose to torture his mind and his empty growling belly.
The lights flickered several times in rapped succession, dimming ever so slowly until darkness folded like the sealing of a letter in an envelope.
"Not to worry." said Victor cheerfuly.
"How romantic!" Gertrude cooed. Shay Patrick leaned carefully forward toward the table's center piece, an arrangement of imported North Carolina magnolias and short needle evergreens with several candles artfully placed here and there on the white linen cloth. A metalic click sounded. The flame from the American made Zeppo lighter lit up the dark room like a torch. After lighting the table candles, Shay lit the tall candelabra that sat on the birds eye cherry credenza next to the rather large bouquet of purple lilacs.
"You are most correct my dear Gertrude. Romance is a mood that may be found in the most unfortunate circumstances." Soft light cast flickering shadows on Victor's porkchop
cheeks, his beadywide eyes were shinning brightly, reflecting the study flame of the homemade candles. The magic beeswax candles, a birthday gift given to Pendragon by Gertrude.
"Mother please, it's hard enough to sit here. This opulence is obscene. People in other worlds are starving. Wars rage throughout many lands while we sit here and play nice nice." Commander Dean Siskiyou's voice quivered in anger. He made a sweeping motion over the table. The candles flickered in the motion of air disturbed by the wave of his hand. We are consuming more food in this one sitting than some families I know eat in a month.
"My word." Jeff said, rolling his eyes at Shay Patrick who looked dumb struck.
"Well la-tee-DA! Tisk-tisk, and all that Jolly Rot." Siskiyou oozed, gripped his salad fork as if he were squeezing Jeffery's neck. The cutting edge of his voice, and his starring eyes were razor sharp.
"That's enough of that boys. I won't warn you again." Turning her head to look at Pendragon. She continued. "You must forgive Dean, he tends to be a bit sanguinary, bearish at times. It must be difficult to slide between the many poor and war torn worlds he visits. His passion to save the Republic Federation from the evil alien Corporate Magistrate is-- I suspect directly inherited from his father side of the family. I will say no more on the subject."
Thumping sounds could be heard from the kitchen, it was Junior chewing on his ham bone.
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