Help me trust others as much as I trust myself.
Help me earn an honest living.
Help me reach out to others.
Help me accept a helping hand.
Help me accept, and forgive those who don't have VALUES.
This is my tout ensemble of photos, stories and poems. ©
I have the same problem.
Maybe we can teach each other?
Can you teach me how to get my posts from the compose page to the blog page and not have the hours I spent shot to hell? I don't know if it's my slow phone hookup(I fly at the dazzleing speed of what I call 26.5 btu. I look at the HTML and cuss. I change to HTML and the damn thing posts as if I didn't touch it. #$@$^#!!!
I'ed throw myself in the pool if I had one. If I was younger, I'ed run around the outside of the cabin naked, screaming #$@^#! at the top of my lungs.
Okay! I'm better now. :)
Fur is gonna fly...Why do folks think I'm writing about them?
I feed my darkside in a story and tongues start waggen as if I'm pointing a finger.
If I wanted to be mean...oh yes, I could tell some whoppers of true tales...I can't help it if some aspects of a story touches a sore spot in a reader.
Okay, I feel better now..really...
Where was I? Oh ya.
The tractor dealership poster of values.
I tried all morning to open a blog on WordPress, gave up before I started drooling and my brain turned to fondue. Had to take a nap to settle down...thus the afternoon creative concoction of, "Here's To You Huckleberry".
Those three cups of double expressos didn't help much.
Oh! When the phone woke me up. Some sweet thing wanting to sell me health insurence..I was NICE.
So Pank, *I'm laughing now* please tell me, how in the hell are we gonna get published and make some money, before we $#%@ die?
I'm a dumn ass that can't spell worth a %$#@.
Okay, I'll feel better in the morning, and will try and fix my sorry ass Huckleberry story.
I came real close giving it the title, "Here's to You MFér", but I caught myself in time, and changed my mind. That's my values in a nut shell. I'm always willing to learn.
Lots of stuff here to comment on. I think we all have aspects of our lives that people identify with. It's in the why's and how's that build the story.
Pointed fingers can be a good thing for anyone, makes a person think...don't sweat it.
If your intent is not pointing at any particular person then know that and don't concern yourself with what triggers it may spark in others.
This particular post resonated with me because I have the same prob. hope you didn't think I felt you wrote it about me! Ha!
now, I'm one of THOSE people.
It's clearly written about yourself, or something, you read from another and it resonated with you...(about you)
see, you do it too.
We all do that.
I think it's a good thing, since more people should look inside themselves...always room for improvement in everyone.
i remember awhile back, a friend of mine would cry everytime she heard a certain song on the radio, Now, the lyrics, had nothing to do with anything about her. I questioned her...why does that song make you cry? Do you identify with it in some way? She got pissed, i mean really pissed! She snapped at me!, "Just because i love certain songs or books doesn't mean it has anything to do with me!!!"
She was full of shit. She just didn't want to admit it to herself...or just maybe, anyone else.
well, I was going off on a tangent there
about the posts:
Write your post in an email or in Word pad, or just word notebook. Whatever program you have that you write in. Edit, select all, copy...close out file. Go to blog open your post point mouse in post section and paste. Easy as that. that's what I do. Make sure you are filling out the word verb thingy each time you edit. I have probs with it too. So, I just edit in my own program now.
books published eh?
read my email i sentcha.
ok now, tell me about this Huckleberry story, you know, I once screwed a man named Huckleberry and he was hung like Xavier...and...
how dare you mention his name!!!!
i'm kidding, I'm kidding
Oh my!
I need another mug of expresso to get down all I want to say..fast.
Top of the morning to ya.
First of all, thanks for the blogging tip.
You'ed think after four years I would know how to post. Will give it a go and see what happens.
I'm a little afraid to read what I wrote last night, but hafta edit it.
It's almost Huckleberry season here..muffens, pancakes, and syrup jam, hummmm!
Have to watch out for bears tho.
Beating the bushes for Huckleberrys. Ha,ha!
berry,berry good for U
Again, thanks for the tip.
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