Sheriff Wilma Reed had just made her second graceful long looping fly cast. The Kettle River’s calm meandering waters reflects gold coins of light around her bicycle patched hip waders. At 7:30 on a Monday morning when most lawmen would be fighting city traffic to get to the office, Sheriff Reed is busy fighting a big rainbow trout. Her fishing vest pocket carries an Altoids mint tin of beautifully made gray-hackle mayflies, a Christmas present from her eight-year-old granddaughter, Magen.
The radio in her Jeep Cherokee parked on the shoulder of road squawks several times before her cell phone begins ringing. She takes a quick glance at her Swiss Army watch and continues reeling in the trout.
“ Let me guess, a rich coasty woke up this morning to a yard full of open range cows and they want me to rush right out and solve their problem.” She grumbles just as the trout clears water and shakes the hook free.
“Good for you my friend, now I’ve got work to do.” The sweet smell of the cotton wood trees reminds her of fishing with her father along the Feather River in California. Securely tucking her dad’s 1940’s split-bamboo fly pole under her arm, she bends and grabs a handful of fragrant river sage growing out of the damp rocks and gravel before climbing up the bank to the Jeep.
The Cherokee’s dashboard is littered with an array souvenirs’ from a woman who loves nature: a hornet’s nest, several turkey, cider waxwing, and yellow tipped flicker feathers. She lays the sacred river sage next to the hornet’s nest and picks up the radio mike while wiggling out of the hip waders.
At fifty-four, Wilma Reed is still built like a brick shit house. Her Doris Day drake’s tail haircut may show the gray, but no one in their right mind would say she was past her prime.
“What’s up Julie, and it better be good?” Reaching under the driver's seat with her free hand, Wilma feels for a small whisk broom.
"Sheriff, I just received a call from Sandy Berky out at the McMansion at the lake."
"Yeah! Come on Julie, I'm waiting."
"I'm looking for the code card."
"To hell with the code card Julie, just tell me what happened."
"Sandy Berky says he thinks that city dude Carl Edwards has been murdered."
"Okay Julie, find the code card. Did Berky call you on the office line? "
"Damn! Okay Julie I'm on my way. One more question. Has there been any squawk on the Beritta Boy's channel? " Standing in her stocking feet, the Sheriff tosses her sand covered hip boots on to the passenger side floor mat along with the whisk broom and reaches for her work shoes sitting on the seat.
"Yes! There may be a crowd already there Sheriff."
"Double Damn!" she says , "Okay Julie I'm on my way, eta in less that twenty minutes."
This is all starting to tie in nicely...lovin this character too...my kinda gal.
I was gonna be a cop...way back when...my daughter in law, just took the exam too
but, no regrets...a full time mom is more rewarding, if ya do it right.
yea, that campaign video, is having some probs. So many people are voting for me, I can't take the PRESSURE!
Then sometimes, it only shows a snippet of the vid and not the whole thing, so when and if it eva loads, try hitting it again and it goes faster.
Dial up sucks eh?
enjoy your day...
Walmart card has to wait...funds low
It's Zip's birf day this week2.
this campaign is costing me!
lovin the writing,
Girl you don't want me to vote for you. The last time I shook a canadates hand...Mondale in Baltimore, he was working both sides of the crowd while walking down a blocked off downtown street.
I was was with some friends and said, "watch this!" Mondale was on the otherside of the street shaking hands with the thee deep crowd.
I leaned forward and yelled out, "Mr.President!" He turned on a dime, and walked across the street to shake my hand.
Ya gotta know what someone wants to make them notice you.
Give my Birthday wishs to Zip, and is it by chance "YOUR" Birthday this week too?
I'll give the video another go. Vita honey, this better be good.
btw, at one time most of my friends were cops.
Cheese burger, cheeze burger, cheeze burger, pepsi, pepsi, pepsi.
One of the things I'm liking about this story, it keeps on coming!!! I don't know if you've got an idea where this is going or not, but I hope you keep at it!!!
Thanks AYE,
Right now I'm working on learning procedures of the Sheirff's department. We be in the boonies so things are done a little different here.:)
I guess the next step should be an(atopsey?spelling is a process too.)I'm thinking something should be very buzzar about Carl Edward's body. Something shocking!
Then it's back to the nature trail with Heather and MaryJo McAllaster and the Feds.
btw... The Breitta Boys are the Border Patrol, and State Police.
Short stories are easy to write, a novel is much harder.
If I don't get the chimmeny and the stove cleaned, and a winters supply of wood in soon, none will make any difference, because I'll freeze to death.
I'm hoping for an Indian Summer to give me some more time. The Snow Birds will start heading South in a month or two, and locals will hunker down for Winter.
Because of gas prices, etc. getting fire wood is'nt easy these days.
I am not going to sit here dressed in Nortic garb and type in wool gloves with the fingers cut out like I did several years ago.
Thanks for the incourgement and I'll post more of the story as soon as possable.
Ok Hayate Womans...what is it that you think you know.. what i want, eh? And if it's too shocking for young eyes, kindly email it to me
and whats all this about pepsi and cheeseburgers?
Zip's birf is at the end of the week, but thanks for the early wishes.
me boy is not so little anymore
keep writing
I took the cheeseburgers and pepsis to be what they'd order. Now, this will take me on a somewhat lengthy tangent... My mom's second cousin (I think that's the relation, anyway) works at this restruant out in Riverside. It's a house that's been converted, the kind of place I picture dotting the rural southern states. They've got the side yard gravelled and set up with benches and tables for the waiting area, with a bar cut through the side of the place. He does entertainment on the weekends there, plays both kinds of music, country and western, just him and his guitar. He's produced several albums (starting back when they were actually on vinyl) which he sells there. His first, and the one containing his most popular song, titled for the song, is called "Two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt". I will now attempt to transcribe the lyrics here:
Give me two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt,
An order of fries with a lot of salt,
What I said was my own fault,
about two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt
Well, I'll tell you a story,
I swear that it's true,
Be careful that this never happens to you,
Never order cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt,
From an uptight do-right traffic cop!
Well, this cop pulled me over in his boots and his suit,
His buttons were polished and he looked kinda cute,
He had a ticket pad in his right hand,
He looked like the waitress at the hot dog stand!
So I rolled down my window, and said to the man,
Give me two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt,
An order of fries with a lot of salt,
What I said was my own fault,
about two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt
He said, "Get outta the car, boy, you're being arrested,
Your right to fair trial's about to be tested"
I said, "Don't I even get read me some rights?"
He said, "Not now, kid, I ain't got all night"
Spent some time in jail behind closed doors,
Wondering now what'd I have to go and say that for?
Guess I know now what I shoulda known sooner,
Some traffic cops got no sense of humor,
I know its a fact, and not just a rumor,
Cuz I said,
Give me two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt,
An order of fries with a lot of salt,
What I said was my own fault,
about two cheeseburgers and a chocolate malt
hahha! Love it Aye!
Hey SusieQ
I miss u
you b choppin wood?
*slams the ^*&#$@chainsaw on the kitchen table* ...no pank, NOW I will CHOP some wood.
I'll be back...
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