Oh my goodness, I should have known those tracks in the snow weren't deer tracks, but peeping gobblers. Their table manners may be somewhat uncooth, and they do leave a mess and tend to just walk away without so much as a thank you. Do you know very many people who fit the same discription?
A whole flock of them stopped by again this morning. After ravaged the picnic table, leaving nothing for the other birds, they flew off in a hurry when I let Sarah out.
It started snowing not so long ago. It's coming down rather thick and heavy so I guess I should restock the picnic table and bring in a large load of fire wood to last through tomorrow.
That looks too deep to be turkey tracks. Yet, those turkeys sure look well fed, so yea, could be. But it's like a tunnel...those tracks or something that has a long heavy tail...weird but cool
I can see your reflection in the window when you took the pic...cool
it's in the photo
Your cabin looks nice...stay warm kiddo
i worry boutcha
You and those turkeys are so lucky. The only time I ever see turkeys, they're the ones being eaten.
DEAMM = Does everybody asking me mumble???
DEAMM...That's my favorit potato. Izz wrap dem in tinfoil and bakez zum in da woodstove.
The Meleagris Gallopavo stoped by here on Christmas Eve last year. They were a little late this year.
Guess I could trap a few and send them to you. How many do you want?
Trap them and send them to Aye????
I hope you mean as grazing free pets
Aye looks perfectally able to afford food with his fit physique
I am not your friend anymore, if you are NOT kidding and mean to harm those creatures
leave those turkeys alone!
ps what happened to My comment?
De yam is in da oven, da birds are safe outside scratching in de snow.
Don't throw a hissyfit Pank. I was just kidding, besides, have you ever plucked a turkey before? It's a fowl job.
But ya need to catch one first.
My dad use to say the easiest way to catch a turkey was ...you run up behind it and sprinkly a little salt on it's tail.
Now if you think I'm going to run around outside in the knee-deep snow bare foot in my longjohns with a salt shaker in one hand and a gunny-sack in the other...good visual huh?
What do you mean, "What happened to my comment?" You send them, I post them...If you sent me a fowl comment(which I don't think you would) maybe it got delayed. :)
that was a relief!
happy New year!!!!
I love my friends. Those that partake at my picnic table, and those who have the brains, the courage, and the manners to englober... comment on my blog.
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