The army of the Blackpool Kapern marched toward the polar arctic regions of Fangrala. The rank and file of each devil soldier being determond by its ability to distroy the native enviroment.
"We will rule the world of Fangrala and subjagate the barbaran animal tribes." Standing on a platform of ice, General Rex Gluteus Maximus dressed in black satanic satin and animal skins shouted to his army. His speech was clearly ment to invoke the passions of greed in his many demon warrors. Standing only five-foot-two, the Generals ghostly white fingers and long nails gripped the podium, is voice was loud and clear, and his drooling troops oggled him in the wonder of this magnificance. Lifting the rifle of Konyaku high in the air, General Rex Gluteus ended his speech with, "We will fight until all that free belongs to us, and all that is not free, we will steal." Roars of acceptance to the Generals speech echoed from the ice mountains that surrounded the demon army.
Standing on the ice stage to the left of the General's ontourage of bodyguards, stood the spy Ursus Wissenwert in demon disguise. She made mental notes of all that she heard and had seen. Showing little emotion at the General's forthright speech. She stood in the shadows, mind melding with the High Council of Vulpes. Her dangerous mission was to gather as much information as possible and return to northern regions of Fangrala.
"The threatening invasion of the demon army on the free migratory inhabitants of my planet must not succeed." she said through clenched teeth. She watched closely as the General and his body guards walk to several quonset huts made of rotting whale bones. The largest quonset hut used by Rex Gluteus Maximus as a command center and residence steamed with pitrid ordors. Maggots crawled over the remaining strips of rotting flesh that hung from the rib hut. Most foul of all was the hanging carcass of Ursus Wissenwert's friend, Ribbon Phobos. His mulilated body hung outside the hut as a trophy, a testament to Kapern Blackpool skill at killing innocence for the glory of riches. Ursus Wissenwert turned away from the crowd of demon soldiers and walked slowly away from the scene. The mind-link of the High Council of vulpes assuring her that the murder of Ribbon Phobos would not go unpunished.
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