Sunday, March 01, 2009

Persistent Perseverance Suited

While the Witches of Wüstland sat in council in a dark tent, Tortu of the Chelonia clan quietly listened from her perch atop a large rock outside. A single tear dropped from her eye to quickly evaporate in the desert heat. Tortu had learned not to shed many tears of precious moisture on her emotions in the forsaken wasteland of the southern regions. She tapped her claws on the bolder, thinking in rhythm as she listened to malicious rumors spueing from the evil witch Diadema. Yawning and torquing her neck forward to hear better, Tortu vowed to make Diadema pay for her lies.

Overhead in the turquoise coloured sky, white clouds moved slowly in the hot breeze. Two eagles of Haliaeetus cried out in agreement with Tortu's whispered vow. "Thank you my high flying friends."she said, "Your view point is always welcome." And again turned her head to hear better. Tortu could hear laughter in the tent where the witches sat in a circle around a pit of steaming hot rocks.

The evil witch Diadema had stopped talking, and now the brave mother named LittleThunder began to speak. "North, from the land of Fangrala in the forest of the Roux Ga Roux a message has come to me. Time and distance has no meaning in that forest. It is a place near to the spirit world where all calls are local." Waving her hand in a right-hand circle around the sacred stones glowing scarlet in the dark, LittleThunder smiled, and tossed her long hair braid from her shoulder playfully. "Now we will sing a song of healing for those brave hearts that are heavy with the responsibility of guardianship."

Tiny Iktome sat near the door across from LittleThunder as she sang. Iktome's many eyes and hairy legs danced as she dangled from a strong thread of spiderweb. Because of jealousy, Diadema reached out to kill tiny Iktome as she danced. LittleThunder grabbing Diadema's hand saying, "Here we respect life. Iktome dances for joy at our songs, let her dance in safety. You must not harm her. Do you understand me?" Wicked Diadema quickly pulled back her hand in fear of the power in Little Thunder's strong voice. All the council witches joined in as LittleThunder again began to sing the healing song.

Outside, Tortu sitting on her rock smiled as she listened. She could hear the small voice of Diadema join in the singing. Now Diadema's heart also began to heal form the jealousy she had carried, for she was beginning to learn from her many witch sisters. Tiny Iktome danced and danced, bringing much joy to those who watched. Above in the sky, the eagles of Haliaeetus soared. Their high pitched whistling crys brought a feeling of freedom to all those who were honored to hear them.

1 comment:

Aye said...

How many chapters does this make now??? I'm really enjoying reading along (even if I don't always comment). I had to go back to the map to get a feel for the geography again.