Please know that I didn't hurt this little guy, it wasn't easy to hold him down with a trowel and take his picture. A shark may have a mouth full of big teeth, but this little guy has a mouth full of razor sharp teeth too, and he wasn't happy about getting his photo taken.
While watching this mole tunnel under the lawn, he dug right through a red ant colony, the ants didn't like it at all, but it didn't seem the bother him any. I was surprised to watch how fast earth worms can move out of the dirt and scurry along the lawn inorder get away from becoming a happy meal. As you can see this guy is well fed.
I was also surprised how strong moles are. Those front paws are powerful, he almost knocked the trowel out of my hand several times. Moles must have huge pectoral muscles.
Personally, I don't think moles mess up the lawn that bad, and they must eat a ton of grubs. After taking this photo I blessed him and let him go. Can you dig it?
Such sweet pictures!!
Awwwwww.. I love his lil nose. You are so kind to set the wee creature free. I love ya!
He/She is very cute! Cute little tummy too. I wonder why God made them blind? I guess underground sight is not needed. Really when you think about it, we could do ok without it on earth too, (sight). We would have to learn to feel other's pain rather then see it. Or would that then be...insight? Sight is such a lazy gift. We should all use it well for others.
sorry went off on a tangent there....ok pulling back.
Cute Mole Susan!!!
Thanks for all this interesting info Susan!
I can dig it baby!
: )
I tried to put an info. link in there, the damn thing was nine-miles long.
You would think the pic should have been a rabbit...
Look! Lettuce showed up. Hahaha!
No really, her blogs are cool, and in GB too.
"Cute mole Susan!!!" I have one on my chin too. Hahaha!
Tangent? My middle name
Nicely told story, extrodanary picture!!! I can imagine it wouldn't be easy to get that shot. I suppose you'd have to be strong to dig your way through dirt completely surrounding you, huh??? It can be difficult just from the top, with the aid of a shovel or post hole digger!!!
Nice tangent you went off on there, Pank. Its a bit like on here, through blogs or text chat you can really get to know, get to see, so to speak, people without ever actually physically seeing them. Paradoxically, you have to use your sight to read these posts!!!
You may not be able to tell but that's a hand trowel, and not a shovel, and I wasn't pressing down to hard, he was just rolly-polly. The lawn is real soft from all the rain we've been having. I love being able(somewhat able)to post my own photos. I can't wait to learn more.
Moles are blind? I didn't know that. Guess I'm gonna have to read up on them.
thanks for the return visit!
I do have aloe vera juice in the fridge - just need to remember to take some.....
Hello Mz Lettuce, to cool! Thanks for stopping by again.
So far away and yet your not. *smiles*
Oh he's so CUTE I never knew they were cute!
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