I love this photograph: gloved hands, thorns, that huge pink and yellow rose over Rye's heart, the denim coat and overalls, and that knowing stright-on look into the viewers eyes. This is a photo I can't stop looking at, there is so much here to see.
A wonderful look into a heart of a man.
The image is stunning, I agree with you Susan. Behind the thorns, the stiffness of denim, the tough exterior of a man, lies a softness that can be likened to that of a portrait of a rose. I love this image
I couldn't of said it better myself, susan.
Allow me to add, Aye. A man with a heart.
I should have known this post would start a ruckus, sorry Aye.
Ruckus??? What ruckus??? I see no ruckus here!!! No need to apologize, dear Susan. I appriciate the kind words from all of you ladies.
I really like this photo, too, the composition is great, and then the way it blurred in the low light, softening most of the image but focusing clearly in on the rose itself. One of those accidental "mistakes" that couldn't have come out better if you were trying for the effect!!! My wife done good on this shot!!!
That evening I had gone out to get some yardwork in before it got full dark, and ended up staying out until it was well past that moment!!! Just got started and kept going. My oldest boy was out there, helping me, too. We were on the upslope part of the lot, yanking weeds and cutting back brush. This rose was very far up, coming over the fence, and I had to work my way up from the lowest part of the base. It was really quite a job to get it, and in the picture I'm holding onto the end of a four foot long branch with the rose on the end of it!!! A very long stemmed rose, indeed!!!
And I'm espically pleased and humbled that you all see into my heart.
Hats off to your wife, she took a one-in-a-million photo, and you, you're priceless with that four foot long stem rose.
The ruchus was in my head...never mind
Happy Easter to you Susan!
Happy Easter Susan!!!
Happy Easter to you all!
Happy Easter, susan.
Wow! Happy Easter Susan and I love that you were as shocked and awed by this photo too! Just got finished commenting a bit ago at Aye's over this pic he posted! I loved it too! I love what you all got out of the photo! I too saw it to be strength and determination in the name of love. Great pic! Susan, I'm loving your emails! Can't wait to absorb more tomorrow...Got home late... Hope this comment is finding you happy and well rested, I'll be catching up on ya'll soon! Hope your Easter was wonderful! So happy to her from Yvonne too!
Happy days in bloggin land
*big times smiles*
: )
Welcome back Miss Pank, hope your Easter was as nice as mine...did I post a Happy Easter on your site? Shoot! I don't remember. If not, I'm sorry, please forgive my pea brain, and if I did...never mind.
Again welcome back.
Hello Naomi,
What a wonderful, expressive goofed photo...you couldn't have goofed any better.
I love the mystique qualities of old photos. Your pic has that timelessness about it. It's a wall-hanger for sure:)
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