"If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that will have a feeling of those things as strong as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceburg is due to only one-eight of it being above water. A good wrier does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action." Ernest Hemingway
In todays fast-paced world Hemingway's "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." seems to fit. Flash fiction is snapshot photo in words, ideas and thoughts, something for the mind to savor, like the marrow of a tasty bone.
I remember my dad baking a pan full of beef bones he had brought home from the slatter house where he worked as a skinner. He told me only the very rich knew how to enjoy crackers spread with bone morrow. At the time I thought he was just trying to make me feel better because that all we had to eat. Many years later, as I was reading a menu while sitting in a La Tee Da restaurant in Paris, I remembered what he had said. He hadn't lie to me, and to this day I'm grateful. My dad(Emmit Author)had the mojo as he would say. A magic way of teaching me, that no matter where you are, no matter how rich or poor, food served with soul is love.
There's something I've never tried, munching on marrow... I'll have to put that on a list of things to try!!! BTW, I like the font in this post, a somewhat anacronistic feel to it!!!
I have been known to swipe one of my dog's bones laying the yard. I cut them up and carve feathers, arrow heads, whale tails, etc. Useing 50 micron wet grit will polish bone to a high shine almost like ivory. So far I've never sold any of my stories, but I have sold many pieces of bone jewelry.
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