Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And For The Republic For Which It Stands

Yesterday while driving into town, a U.S. jet swooped down and come in low behind me. At the time, I was the only vehicle on a short stright of way on back road into town. If you have ever had a military jet drop out of the sky from nowhere and make a pass over you as if you were a target..the noise and fear factor sends a message not soon to be forgotten. Later in afternoon, I crossed the border to see if I could pickup a vacuum cleaner bag, I had forgot it on my list of this to pick up while in town. I have never had any problems crossing the border in four years that I have lived here. "I only know what the computer tells me." he said. "You." He pointed his finger in my face. "You have a FBI file that says..."I said, "Look at me. I am not lieing to you. I have no reason to have an FBI file. I have never done anything wrong to have a FBI file."He ask me many questions. I answered his questions with truthful answers.He said, "Get it cleared up."Coming back across the U.S. border, I explained why I had left my country for twenty minutes. "I went to the hardware store looking for a vacuum clearer bag."The crossing guard told me to order anything I needed on the internet because it saves on gas.When I get my courage back up, I will write more, who, what ,when, and where. I don't like to be told to keep my mouth shut, stay at home, etc. Granted I live in the HOT ZONE where many people do as they are told. I am not one of them. I was born and raised in the United States of America, and I will fight for my rights as a citizen of the Republic.I maybe be shaking in my boots with fear from the things I've hear that are going on in these mountains, but that will not stop me from doing my best to write about what I see, hear, and think.  


Aye said...

Where I live, there is fairly regular passenger jet traffic. One Memorial day weekend I was out working in the yard, and I hear a jet coming... and it keeps getting louder. Post 9-11 world and being near the high rises in downtown, I finally looked around to see what was coming and were it was going. Turned out the be the B-2 bomber, and let me tell you, it's anything but stealthy!!! They were doing a fly-by over Dodger stadium, and it went right over me, too. LOUD!!! Disturbing that they have a file going on you... wonder what all is in there???

susan said...

I'm working on getting my good name back in working order. I want to read what's in that computer FBI file myself...it can't be to bad, otherwise the border agent wouldn't have let me into Cananda(I had no problem coming back across the U.S.border)...then again, the Cananda's Customs Officer could have lied about me even having a file just to see if he could ruffle my feathers. He did! When someone(Border Protection Agent)says they only believes what a computer tells them, that's really scary.As for the jet, I tell you Aye, if I had been the la de da type I would have ended up off the road in a wreck. I can laugh about it now(my shorts are clean). The pilot was very cleaver, swooping over the side of the mountain, buzzing me, then a sharp bank and he was out of sight. You know they're going to do stuff like that, but their commanders should tell them what happened at the San Fransisco Golden Gate Bridge, as well as several other Hot Dogging crack ups in the past. To turn around and see a squadron B-2 jets coming your way, what can you do? Up here we learn to laugh, some complain to the power's that be, other take rifle potshots, and maybe in your case... shake a rake.   

Aye said...

This is one of the troubling things about this to me. You have no trouble getting into the U.S. There are a lot of people who don't, and it doesn't seem to be anybody's big priority to do something about our porous border!!! I heard on the radio on the way home tonight that they had done a program where they would transport anyone illegally in the U.S. back to their native country, no questions asked. Shockingly, they didn't have any takers!!!

Cool that you found the bags for your vacuum. Love the name, Hoover Turbo Power 6000, sounds like an awesome machine!!! (I'll bet it has similar effect on cats as fighter jets do on people!!!)

By the way, check this out, it's my work's site. Just about everything you could want, we've got, and almost all of it in stock!!! The prices aren't great, but if you need it and in a hurry, we're it!!!

susan said...

My experince crossing the border into Canada for the past four years has been(except for the other day)that Cananda seemed more easy going in letting me enter their country. Cananda is a beautiful country with wonderful people. Most of the border customs officers are polite and friendly and yet very professional in doing their job.Entering back into the U.S. most of the time hasn't been a problem. It depends on the custom officer, most are doing what they are trained to do in a polite and professional manner although a little less friendly, and I suspect that is because of 9-11,and our greater need for protection.Both sides know the names of the people and vehical licences numbers that cross the border often. Many people have friends and family on both sides of the border.My one scary incident I'm going the say was the result of a young customs officer in a bad mood, or on somekind of power trip. It didn't help matters by me being buzzed earlier by my hotdoggen flyboy.Today I will give my turbo power 6000 a test run and see just how much dirt a Hoover can suck up. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.  :)Thanks for the link. It's good to know that when friends ask me, "Where can I find a such-and-such?" I can say. "I know just the place."   

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying the continuation of your huck/MJ story Susan.
this personal story of yours is intriging too. I suspect your fib file alludes to, "eyes wide open" and rattles those who choose to put the blinders on, or pretend too, for personal gain. He probably read...BEWARE OF X-Ray vision.

yep, he does sound like a power-trip bully

glad u r ok
had a customs bad encounter in mexico years ago
our driver,"julio, liked to stash things... unbeknownst

gotta check out ayesters new digs


susan said...

Funny you should say rattle. I happen to have a real looking rubber snake(dollar yard sale item)that weaves in-and-out on the front grill on my truck. When people notice...well, needless to say, some jump, some scream,and best of all, some laugh. So I have a "Don't Tread On Me Attitude."The kicker about the FBI file is(or so I'm been told) that to check if you have a file...and you don't have a file... they will start a file on you. Is that nuts or what? Misinformation in computer banks has caused me to loose most of what I worked my whole for. I don't give a shit if I have a FBI file. I just want the information about me to be correct.The customs officer said, I was arrested for burglary...LOL!What the hell does anyone have that I would want to steal? My credit report is just as bad...property and accounts I've never opened or used. One report says I'm married to a MAN. LMAO!(no offence to my male gendered friends) I've been accused of some illegle stuff by lowlife lying sons of bitchs who tried to distroy me and my good name. Their lies can't stick because those who know me, know those lies are nowhere near the truth. I may not have been very smart to trust and believe in some people. I have learned, and I will fight to get back what is mine, and what was stolen from me.No one helped me pay off my two morgages,few were willing to helped me unless paid, most helped themselves to what I worked so hard for.F'm them! I will continue to have trust in people, but I won't let the leechs of this world suck me dry.I have guns,sharp kitchen knifes :)and swords,fists,feet,claws,and all of my front teeth,and... a big dictionary,and...I have been trained to use them. That doesn't mean I'm not a peaceful person.  *he says smiling while twisting his black handlebar mustache.*Whishoo!Is that called a rant?I feel better

Anonymous said...

*he says smiling while twisting his black handlebar mustache.*

the plot thickens!

yep, that was some rant.

My FBI file says I'm married to a martian

your a tiger, woman's!

susan said...

This summer the RR Company pulled up all the railroad tracks in Curlew so as to put in a nature trail. Now where in the hell am I supose to tie up that bimbo?That remindes me...Where's the chain saw, buzz saw, whatever! It's time to cut up some limbs.The folks I rent from came by yesterday to pick up an old, rather large freezer they had need of. It had been sitting unused for several years on a narrow porch area at the backside of my cabin.Most city folks may think meat comes from the store in plastic packages.In the back of their 1970's truck were several commerical meat gringing machines.We don't see very many strangers hanging around here. Even the border patrol guys don't get out of their patrol cars. Winter is around the corner and it's time to stock up on food.