This little dragon gale of ocean arm,
Spirit whispers the fist of fury, pain,
Winds sweep ahead of crying game.
Fighting remains of a Southern cross,
Higher shines in Northern sky, low,
Waves of unseen tears wash ashore.
More die innocent of love in rage,
Back! They cry to the unfurled big wind.
Spin, energy enters the fists of dragon.
Dream ghost fighting it's nature.
Those are some beautiful arms!
Hope he/she feels better.
Man, I wish I had the time to write like you!
and the talent
shower time..do,do,do,do...do,do..,do,do
(like hammer time).....
can't touch this!
Actualy the poem is about life of the planet. The weather-- Wind, Water, and Energy, and the spirit to survive. At least that's how I wrote it to mean.
I think it was BlackElk who said, "The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth."
Maybe if more people respected Earth as a living, breathing spirit, and we as individual bodys are connected in spirit...
Guess I should save my phee-los-a- fi-ing for my fictional writing :)
We get draged along through space wheather we know it, or not.
Thanks for the complament
*fingers fretting strings*
Susan, I totally got that... before reading the comments, but on my second read through. I think the picture... colored my first reading. Several of the guys at work wear Bruce Lee shirts. One of the stock keepers is called "red dragon" by the others. I once heard the story of how he came by that name. They are always communicating by radio, and he'd said "I wish I had some cool kind of code name. Red dragon, or something." The name stuck. The images of Gustav and the memories of Katrina came to mind on my second read through. Would that be a dragon with only one eye???
One eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater...
ooh eee...
Chantilly Lace... makes the world go round.
Yes, the eye of the storm is one type dragon spirit, but there also is a rainbow dragon to give hope. These are things known in all cultures, and there are always dragon riders who know the code, otherwise all life on Earth would end.
Pank is right about starry, starry night. One has to be tough to fight, and whisper in a dragon's ear.
The doors to the stars and other planets are real.
*Thanks for the little flower.*
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