Today after a year, or has it been longer, I now have new batteries for my camera. The photo for this post isn't mine.I spread seed along the outside window sill, prop my feet up on the inside sill, set back and get tickled at all the different birds that stop by for a snack. A Humming Bird feeder hangs under the eve just outside the side window. The fun part is in the early evening when the deer come to check out what's left on the sill. I'll be deep in reading something obscure, my bare feet proped up, and there...a big doe with her new fawn checking out my feet. All that seperates us is two panes of glass. It's a joy to be so close to wild creatures.
Oh yes! I agree, I love to do just the same but with a cup of coffee every morning. I've been so worried though because I really haven't seen many deer yet. A lot of roadside ones...awww hate when I see them dead.
But only two so far on our property. Haven't seen a hummingbird yet this year but I love them! I am going to get one of those feeders, maybe tomorrow at Walmart.
I hear that mixing sugar and water is all you need for thier food, is this correct?
Walmart! But what do I know, my feeder was given to me. Maybe it came from a walmart on the otherside of the mountain pass. Yep, boil water, add sugar, let cool, and hang the feeder for the Hummers to enjoy. I believe they fly to South America for the Winter. Here in Fairy Land I have been told that very cleaver Humming Birds have been known to hitchhike a ride on the backs of friendly Geese and Swans. South America is a long flight from here, so I can understand how the rumor got started. I have watched long vees of geese headed north in the Autumn months, and have seen several geese in formation do summersults, complete barrel rollovers. I can only hope they were flying solo. :)
Okay! So I have way to much time on my hands this morning before I need to go out and water my neighbor's garden, or maybe that third expresso? Joy to your world, may your spirit fly on wings of love, fun, and friendship.
I play piano and I sing like a humming bird and oh I forgot that humming birds don't sing, it doesn't matter really you know what I mean
Not an easy shot to get, and you've really got to have some good gear to get the wings stopped. Skunks are the predominant wildlife around here, along with the occasional opossum, and a family of healthy raccoons. Lizards by the dozens in the daytime hours. Not wildly wild, but not bad for being in the midst of a metropolis!!!
Aye! I would think your garden would be full of all kinds of Birds, Humming Birds stoping by to refuel on their journey South for the Winter. I remember the size of your roses, the ones you were pruneing several years ago, I still have the photo.
On listening to what we humm... Late last Fall, a friend of mine who has a 300 acre horse ranch that bourders Canada and the U.S. National Forest, had just lost their prize blue roan breeding stallion to a mysterious illness.
While in town a week later, I was told their younger stallion had just gone down.
Some strange links... bits of conversation with other people that morning, and a tune I kept humming lead me to ask my friend if I could see the horse because for some reason I felt I could help.
I had never been to the Morning Ranch ranch before.
These people are horse people, and their horses run free on open mountain range.
Oh hell, this story is a book, way to long to write out here.
Sorry Pank, It was over a week, may two that the horse was down...unheard of in the horse world that Junior should survive, and yet he did. He is happy and heathy running on the six hundred acre ranch. I know I said three hundred acres...maybe that was in the post that went poof. So I was half right until I ask the other day. Anyway, when Lou(my friends husband) and I were starting to ask ourselves how much longer...I got sturn with Junior, his fever was down and his back legs were moving again. "Junior! This an't no fancy east coast high priced setup. Get yo ass up. Please! Spirit has a funny way of working. Lou said, Junior just stood up with no problem at all. We had him close to a wall of hay bales so if he ever did get up and his legs went noodley we could push him against the hay bales. He drank bucket after bucket of apple cider vinager. Looked like he was drinking foaming beer, made him pee like a race horse...he's a Joe Handcox quarter horse with an attitude. Wouldn't have a thing to do with me after he got better. They run sixty to seventy head of horses, some longhorns, goats, llamas...thats alot of mouths to feed in winter time. I call their place "The Morming Star Rescue Ranch, neither one of them can leave an action without bringing home several "canners"(good horses marked for dog food. Kittens from the free box at the feed store, yada,yada,yada. I don't know Pank, something just told me I could help. I'm sorry I didn't know about Lou's prize stallion...I had never been to their ranch before, had never met Lou either. You should read Johnna's stories about living on a ranch off the grid in the wilds of Washington. I always have an adventure up there even though I'm a greenhorn compared to what they know about vet doctoring.
When you walk out their door onto the front porch...they have half a dozen cats...well at night it's dark, no lights anywhere. I mean DARK, and some of those cats have black and white stripes, because they all eat out of the same food bowls. Johnna says, just shuffle your feet, that way your safe. Just getting back to my truck is an adventure of sorts. Matty is the only one who seems to get blasted once in a while. I'm blessed to have such good friends, I love them dearly. Oh! PS. Johnna makes the biggest apple pies I have ever seen. Ranch Pies ala Morning Star, and she cans the best, I mean the best salsa I have ever eaten, and I'm a Californis girl who grew up on salsa..even tho I don't know how to spell salsa. I knew I shouldn't have drank last mug of expresso.
God, I just love this photo. Been too long since I drown in Nature's sweet nectar. What a spectacular creature!
Thanks Susan
Today after a year, or has it been longer, I now have new batteries for my camera. The photo for this post isn't mine.I spread seed along the outside window sill, prop my feet up on the inside sill, set back and get tickled at all the different birds that stop by for a snack. A Humming Bird feeder hangs under the eve just outside the side window. The fun part is in the early evening when the deer come to check out what's left on the sill. I'll be deep in reading something obscure, my bare feet proped up, and there...a big doe with her new fawn checking out my feet. All that seperates us is two panes of glass. It's a joy to be so close to wild creatures.
Oh yes! I agree, I love to do just the same but with a cup of coffee every morning. I've been so worried though because I really haven't seen many deer yet. A lot of roadside ones...awww hate when I see them dead.
But only two so far on our property. Haven't seen a hummingbird yet this year but I love them! I am going to get one of those feeders, maybe tomorrow at Walmart.
I hear that mixing sugar and water is all you need for thier food, is this correct?
two years is a long time to wait for batteries!!
I want to buy a camera too.
But what do I know, my feeder was given to me. Maybe it came from a walmart on the otherside of the mountain pass.
Yep, boil water, add sugar, let cool, and hang the feeder for the Hummers to enjoy.
I believe they fly to South America for the Winter.
Here in Fairy Land I have been told that very cleaver Humming Birds have been known to hitchhike a ride on the backs of friendly Geese and Swans. South America is a long flight from here, so I can understand how the rumor got started. I have watched long vees of geese headed north in the Autumn months, and have seen several geese in formation do summersults, complete barrel rollovers. I can only hope they were flying solo. :)
Okay! So I have way to much time on my hands this morning before I need to go out and water my neighbor's garden, or maybe that third expresso?
Joy to your world, may your spirit fly on wings of love, fun, and friendship.
I play piano and I sing like a humming bird
and oh I forgot
that humming birds don't sing,
it doesn't matter really you know what I mean
Not an easy shot to get, and you've really got to have some good gear to get the wings stopped. Skunks are the predominant wildlife around here, along with the occasional opossum, and a family of healthy raccoons. Lizards by the dozens in the daytime hours. Not wildly wild, but not bad for being in the midst of a metropolis!!!
Aye! I would think your garden would be full of all kinds of Birds, Humming Birds stoping by to refuel on their journey South for the Winter. I remember the size of your roses, the ones you were pruneing several years ago, I still have the photo.
On listening to what we humm...
Late last Fall, a friend of mine who has a 300 acre horse ranch that bourders Canada and the U.S. National Forest, had just lost their prize blue roan breeding stallion to a mysterious illness.
While in town a week later, I was told their younger stallion had just gone down.
Some strange links... bits of conversation with other people that morning, and a tune I kept humming lead me to ask my friend if I could see the horse because for some reason I felt I could help.
I had never been to the Morning Ranch ranch before.
These people are horse people, and their horses run free on open mountain range.
Oh hell, this story is a book, way to long to write out here.
Were you able to help the horse????
The other ones?
What tugged at you?
Were you able to figure anything out? You can't keep me hanging like that!
Sorry Pank,
It was over a week, may two that the horse was down...unheard of in the horse world that Junior should survive, and yet he did. He is happy and heathy running on the six hundred acre ranch. I know I said three hundred acres...maybe that was in the post that went poof. So I was half right until I ask the other day. Anyway, when Lou(my friends husband) and I were starting to ask ourselves how much longer...I got sturn with Junior, his fever was down and his back legs were moving again.
"Junior! This an't no fancy east coast high priced setup. Get yo ass up. Please!
Spirit has a funny way of working.
Lou said, Junior just stood up with no problem at all. We had him close to a wall of hay bales so if he ever did get up and his legs went noodley we could push him against the hay bales.
He drank bucket after bucket of apple cider vinager. Looked like he was drinking foaming beer, made him pee like a race horse...he's a Joe Handcox quarter horse with an attitude. Wouldn't have a thing to do with me after he got better.
They run sixty to seventy head of horses, some longhorns, goats, llamas...thats alot of mouths to feed in winter time. I call their place "The Morming Star Rescue Ranch, neither one of them can leave an action without bringing home several "canners"(good horses marked for dog food. Kittens from the free box at the feed store, yada,yada,yada.
I don't know Pank, something just told me I could help. I'm sorry I didn't know about Lou's prize stallion...I had never been to their ranch before, had never met Lou either.
You should read Johnna's stories about living on a ranch off the grid in the wilds of Washington.
I always have an adventure up there even though I'm a greenhorn compared to what they know about vet doctoring.
When you walk out their door onto the front porch...they have half a dozen cats...well at night it's dark, no lights anywhere. I mean DARK, and some of those cats have black and white stripes, because they all eat out of the same food bowls. Johnna says, just shuffle your feet, that way your safe. Just getting back to my truck is an adventure of sorts.
Matty is the only one who seems to get blasted once in a while.
I'm blessed to have such good friends, I love them dearly.
Oh! PS. Johnna makes the biggest apple pies I have ever seen. Ranch Pies ala Morning Star, and she cans the best, I mean the best salsa I have ever eaten, and I'm a Californis girl who grew up on salsa..even tho I don't know how to spell salsa.
I knew I shouldn't have drank last mug of expresso.
;) Thanks for the update.
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