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A wooden statue with a copper catheter brings new meaning to: propane, he's on the beaten path, and son you light up my life.
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Please, rush to post tacky feedback comments.
As you very well can see, woody may be a dangerous "Splinter Oh Bomb" in the making.
Blue boy stand back, the man has deadly gas!
Miniature golf can be a deadly game to play.
And for those who like to sing...google the lyrics of Ernie Marrs...The Dance Jesus Song.
A couple of weekends ago I was at my parent's house, adjusting the linkage for the part I'd gotten for the Benz. For some unknown reason, my dad had a plastic Jesus he'd gotten sitting on the back end of the vise. I accidently knocked him to the ground, amongst much assorted miscillania. I lost him!!! Last weekend I visited again, and my parents have been having a plauge of fleas. They called an exterminator, and cleared stuff off the floors. The good news is, MY DAD FOUND JESUS!!!
You're a hoot Aye.
Jesus, is a patient man. He is waiting in line, to golf. A boring sport, if you ask me but...a relaxing one, if you ask them.
jesus likes golf??...
the tank, is just a tank..
a kiss is just a kiss
a sigh is just a sigh
as time goes by
OOOooo... I don't care if it rains or freezes,long as I got my plastic Jesus,ride'n on the dashboard of my car.
"Welcome brothers and sisters to the one, to the only, Jesus loves you circus show.All eyes center ring please.Hearrrrrs Jesus!
"Thank you. Thank you very much.
I would like to thank my blessed mama for all her selfless devotion, bla,bla,bla.
*Looks at the front row bleachers and says...*
"Golf a boring sport!
Oh mon cherry cher.
Putting the dippled ball in the cup is an art.
1. You need a good caddy.
Irish Fox Terrier.
2. You need a security guard.
Fearless Dalmation/Boxer.
3. You need proper equipment.
A picnic backpack, binoculars, note book, pen and pencil, sketch book with water colours, two topflight golf balls, and one #7 club. *Hint for you folks who golf on the fancy greens. Take a walk through the bushes(watch where your walking)chances are you just might find a club or two that were flung in a fit of rage. Rich folks have tempers. One more thing, if you loose your balls...a good pine cone will do.*
I don't care if it rains or Freezes,
Long as I got my plastic Jesus,
Ride'n on the dash board of my truckkkkk.
Jesus loves me yes I know
for the parents told me so
oh no not Jesus, oh no not Jesus
oh no not Jesus, if the bible
tells me so...
I love Jesus - he was an awesome teacher and lover of many.
hmmmm I lost my ceramic statue many years ago - or did I give it to my sister Deb, either way HE got me through my teenage years!
You didn't care when you coulda,
Now I gots my plastic Booda,
Sitting on the dashboard of my ship
Two guys driving side by side,
as I fly my ship in stride,
*I erased the proceding ten verses,
cuz this is a family bowling lane.*
You didn't care when you coulda
Now I gots my plastic Booda,
Sitting on the dashboard of my ship
Wait, we're bowling now??? Oh yea, I've still got my blue ball here, you'd think I'd remember that holding it up for so long...
Have you seen the store on Dean Koontzs' site??? They have a very cool bowling shirt from the green moon lanes there, about the only shirt on there I'd want. Pity it's about 15 times what I usually pay for my shirts!!! Well, I do have a birthday coming up, maybe someone'll get that for me!!! (not that I'm dropping hints or anything, of course...):)
Dang! Dean Koonz is gotta site?
I gotta see that big bucks shirt!
Here is a hint if you're ever in my neck of the woods and need something clean to ware... Checking out the "free box" at the Rose and Crown in Republic.
Ya know the old saying, "You can't always get what ya want, but if you try sometime... You just might find what ya need."
You need a jumbo size coffee mug with an art-z message saying. "A shirt from green moon lanes is what I need to bowl in style."
Hopefully all the fillers on the team will chip in the cup.
;) I'm so glad he doesn't need a new car.
You will hear them scream & haller,
The basket is passed when it otta.
Just before the singing and a prayer.
He was born to save the day,
Birthday boys name is Ayé.
Rolling, rolling down the farelanes in game of life.
Don't you fret and don't you worry,
He will save the score in a hurry.
Come on join the winning team.
All he needs is a Bowling Shirt
You can chip in, it won't hurt,
Green back dolla's only, if you please.
You will hear them laugh and haller.
The fillers at work will pass the dolla,
As they lift a brew or two to you.
Tho green with envy they all might be,
Three cheers for Ayés sensibility,
In his odd ball cheezy bowling shirt.
He was born to save the day,
Birthday boys name is Ayé,
Rolling, rolling down the farelanes in the game of life.
Rolling, rolling down the farelanes in the game of life.
Rolling, rolling down the farelanes in the game of life.
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