News travels fast in this age of electronic information, but for how long?
United States valuable natural resources are being exported to other countries at an alarming rate while the majority of Americana's people sit ideally wondering why their hard earned money is going down the plastic drain pipe.
For those who are blazing the information digital trail through our governments wasteful drain of taxes know the end may be near unless the American people stand up, tighten their belts, and get to work using their heads to vote for balancing the books on economic issues.
Holding corrupt governmental elected officials accountable for their flush disposable spending is common sense. Keeping a focus on world issues while finding solutions to the fast sinking of United States citizen's household debit is frankly crucial if Americans want to remain free.
The price of freedom is in our natural resources which are being sold off cheaply to meet foreign demands. In return, the American public is being fed a study diet of preprocessed crap.
Yep. And we are to do what? In addition to writing our corrupt govt,...spreading the word.. and
so on
we are to do what?
we must wait
we must wait
and wait
and wait
Because this stuff is bigger than little ole" u and me
Ya see, I have this theory....k?
Over indulgence comes to an end
by means of force.
perhaps then we will be respected
the price we pay for being too rich to the rest of the world
forced to spend time with our children
lose weight...out of poverty
gas prices...walk!
give up that second car!!!!???
buy a smaller house
spend more time with the kids
instead of day care
stay married...turn off the tv
oh, etc,,,so many
little house on the, little ole prairie had it right
(makes me excited)
Little o'house with a cresent moon on the door, this is where I sit.
Little o'house ...
Never mind, something just caught my eye...
A large and very bright yellow bird just landed on the humming bird feeder sending it to sway back and forth, and around and around like a tire on a rope. That bird is five or six times bigger than the humming birds.
"Hay! Get off there, you'll break it, pull the eye hook out of the 2x4" He's swinging on that feeder as if he were a monkey on a tire.
Hummmmm... If I were on the east coast.. I would say it was a big Prothonotary Warbler...it must be a Tanager, maybe?
Ah! With only twenty-nine ninty-five I could buy a modern field guild to western birds, and...
No, maybe I should buy a camera battery charger to charge up those batteries I waited so long for.
Maybe a microphone for this computer that was given to me, so I can talk to strangers in faraway places.
Maybe a bottle of penicillin at the feed store so I'll never have to make three years of payments for a five minute doctors visit ever again.
Maybe I should have a good cry and feel sorry for myself for about five minutes, and spit the bitter taste of truth out like salty blood of a tooth pulled out with needlenose plyers.
Which is more painful...phyisal pain, or the sorrow of loss loved ones, the crulety of humanity?
After all the years of marshal arts study I have never had to put a forceful hand on someone. That is a true blessing. I'am always low man on totem pole, and yet no one dare fight me...why? Because to return another's force of energy is easy, time slows, and the chance of death becomes very real, almost whished for.
When you have nothing left to loose other than your life, people back away in fear, as well they should.
Then a very strange thing happens, it's called trust.
That is most important to me
cruelty of humanity...i vote
Maybe it's late but I got lost on your last paragraph, somehow
trust in whom?
You learn to trust enemies?
When you have lost everything and there is nothing left to lose but your life, how does that translate into trust?
Unless you mean in yourself?
Kinda lost here
Yellow birds are good.
your stream of consciousness is
and familiar to dreamers
even in the prairie Nelly came a knockin
and it sucks
See, you know what I'm trying to say.
My momma use to tell me,"Sh*t or get off the pot!" also, "You sh*t too if you eat reguler."
Poo, I had the White House switchboard number somewhere here on my desk yesterday...see what happens when I clean off my desk.
Minnie management, I mean micro, and macro, and mayko(swimn' with the sharks). Sharks!
Do you know why sharks don't eat lawyers?
Professonal curtesy!
"Do you know why sharks don't eat pilot fish?
They need the suckers."
All it takes is one person to implament change.
I'm blessed with wonderful teachers in my life. I pass what I've learned on, kinda like gas, show me a human that smells something really really bad and doesn't take another whiff just to be sure. *Did that smell that bad? Sniff, sniff, OMG!
Hay, you ain't gonna dump little lilly just cuz she smells different are you?
So my "Wiping Tails" post was a little potty, with out dreck, what blooms and grows...
*Here a tip if ever you're deep in the woods and hafta go.
Mullen will do if you have to,
On rocks, NC Steve uses his socks.
But for the classie ilk, use silk.
I'm pooped out...
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