It's snowing so hard I can't see the pines across the dirt road. My spliting rounds have grown neatly cut six inch biscuits. I knew it, yesterday was just to nice. Please don't say, it sounds cozy. I've have places to go, and people to meet, and... I'm out of wood. Couldn't get over the first mountain pass if I tried, age has slowed my sense of adventure some. Crawling behind a snowplow for a couple hundred miles is no longer that much fun, I'ed rather split the splitting rounds. The worst part is the dogs have gas... lucky me! I love warm and cozy...
It's been far too nice here the past week or so. It makes me wonder what awaits us around the corner. Ice storm? Blizzard?
Yesterday I split and stacked 2.5 cord, Susan. If I could, I'd share some of it with you. I hope you are able to get some wood soon. Have to keep you and your babies warm.
Good morning Susan. I hope today finds you with wood and warmth. *hugsssssss*
We have had no really bad weather here...yet. I expect Feb. and Mar. to provide us with a little bit of winter. Of course, the kind of winter you and Serenity are used to does not come this far south.
Like Serenity, if I could provide you with wood to keep you and your babies warm, I would. The only things I can send you are sincere wishes for divine intervention and prayers for warmer weather.
Have a blessed day ladies.
everyone check out: www.writersintouch.com
see what a celebrity the beloved susan has become.
Wonderfully done, Susan. I wish that I could write so well. Maybe with practice.
Thanks for the web site, Steve.
I am not anyone to critique your work, Susan. My gift is not writing. But I know what I like and what I don't like. And I like your work. You have a gift for telling and sharing, for drawing mental images like a master craftsman, a true artisan.
I am glad you took Steve's advise and submitted something. Perhaps this will spur you on to share your talent with more than the blogging world. Then, you could drag Serenity, kicking and screaming, into a more public venue. She has a lot to offer others also.
I too am glad you took Steve's advise Snusan..I wandered over there and took a peek...Glad your doing it...Seen some comments I didn't necessarily agree with but, wtf do I know??
If someone get's overly nassy with ya, let me know...I'll come over dere and open up that can of 'whoop ass'...
I think this venue will be good for you...Congrats and Goodluck...
hey! me and granny need a public venue too!!! our audience is too small. HELP!
85 views, me in a distant second. one thing you have that I don't....humility.
go to the mall and wear those teeth, holler: " I'm her sister from the east, how 'bout some cellulite sailor?!!"
that should do it...
hahahaha.. oh no steve.
susan have you abandoned us?
is your writing career taking off yet?
Hay gang, I've have been on the road.
Me be an "East Coast Girl" now...
Don't yall just love this weather?
I'll be up and running again real soon so yall stick around hear.
Love, Susan
Hiya Hiya Hiya Snusan...I guessed your anonimity on Serenity's blog...Guess the dogs did it...hahaha..Where in all hell you is, anyhow???
are you in siler city?
Is you helpin Yvonne with her B&B?
Good to see you around again, East Coast Girlie!
To answer your question, Steve, no, Susan is not in Siler City. I figure she will tell us what she wants us to know when she is "up and running" again. I hope that is sooner rather than later. I miss her posts. I suppose some of her stories may be quiet different now that she is on the East coast. Sounds like she is on her way to being plum southern, what with the heys, yalls and "stick around hear?" Couldn't happen to a nicer person!
Okay friends, I'm up and running as of today. Give me a day or two to get use to this fast and new tecno stuff...
Have missed all of you soooo much. Plan to post something this evening. I be fine as frog hairs.
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