How many years do you think you have left?
What are you going to do with them?
If you could uncover one thing about yourself, what would it be?
What other questions does this picture bring up in you?
I'm still digging for answers.
Photo by Pedro Meyer
I don't know how many years I have left. When younger, I made a plea to the Creator to please let me go before anyone I love does. But, that didn't happen. Instead, I've stood beside many a final resting place, tears finally falling as my my heart whispered, "See you soon"
With the days, weeks, months, possibly years that I have left, I will keep doing what I've tried to do. Encourage, support, be a shoulder, be a listener, love, comfort, appreciate, respect, give, accept and perhaps, if I do it all right, I can leave a spirit of hope that maybe, just perhaps, might make a small part of this world a better place.
If I could uncover one thing about myself, it would have to be, can I possibly love any deeper than I already do? And, if so, how painful would it be?
More questions do come to mind. Will I be missed once I'm gone? Will someone shed a tear over me? How will I end? Who will take care of those I befriended while here? Who or what will I be when I return? Will I still be me, think like me, feel like me when I step from flesh to spirit? Or, will the me part of me, simply not exist any more? Does the Creator have hairy legs and wear sandals like I envision? Is there chocolate in the afterlife? Does the Creator have all the little gold hearts I mentally gave him/her every Christmas? So many questions, too many questions.
There is a line in the movie Blade Runner, "Iwant more life fucker".
Yup, lots of questions, been at it all day myself. My brains is fried.
I think you're painting a picture.
as morbid as this is, and it's just bastard me, I believe you worship death and would love to be there to see yourself go.
Who wrote, "we are the only animal that knows we're going to die, and yet live each day as if we were not"?
You do make me laugh, I mean really laugh. I wonder what I'll post tomorrow? I've been in a hole for two years, it just may be time to climb out don't you think?
I will keep living as if today was my last day. We are promised nothing. So I may plan for tomorrow, but I live each day, one day at a time.
The questions are not there. I am so pragmatic I don't dwell on things that may or may not happen after I transend this earthly relm.
I understand your prayer, Serenity, to die before your loved ones. After my mother died, I uses to pray I would die before my father did. God just didn't see fit to grant that prayer. Now that I am older, I realize children aren't suppose to precede their parents in death. It is not the natural order of things.
Now I pray I will die before any of my children or gtandchildren.
I really do wonder if the Creator has hairy legs.. I mean really hairy legs. That usually indicates very hairy toes as well. If we must kiss the feet of our Creator and given all that hair and the possibility of getting a strand stuck between my teeth and my sensitive gagging mechanism, I don't think He/She would ask me to do much foot kissing. Wouldn't you say? Yes, I have an overactive imagination. But, I do like to be prepared for anything that might arise. I wonder if the Creator is laughing about my concerns right now? Given the talks I do have with my Creator, I almost envision Him/Her saying, "Oh lordy! What have I done!" :D *just kidding*
How very true, Yvonne. We should live each day as though it were our last.
Knowing the pain of loss at an early age, my wish was different. After thinking on such things, I prayed that my mother and those that loved me would die first. It was to save them from the pain of mourning. It was the most selfless prayer I could pray. Knowing the pain of loss always lingers in my heart and mind, and seening how loss can effect others so deeply, I am greatful that my prayers were answered.
I would love to be there and watch myself go. That would be sooo cool. Once I got there I dont think I would want to know much more, unless I make it to heaven, which I would like to think that I will, but none of us REALLY know for sure. Even those who thump bibles and ask if you die tomorrow do you know if you will go to heaven or hell. to me, that question is so moronic. so judgmental, so no-class. All we can do is just do the best we can, and do unto others, (I realize that is MANS rule, but I dont think God would think it was a bad rule) Pray for me, and I will do the same for you.
Thank you Lilly, and I do agree with you. Who in their right mind would want to judge...many people believe many things at different times in their lives, the same is true of me. Dogma has never been my thing.
Something,(our spirit?)remains the same. In the mean time I ask questions and pray for answers. I'm slow, some answers take years.
Yes, I already pray for you and all those I've met here. Thank you, any prayer said for me is much needed and appreciated.
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