Today will be another busy one with a few more things to do.
One more cup of coffee and it will be time to get busy, I'm moving slow this morning. Actually, it looks and feels like snow already, a very grey day. Guess it's time to get off my ars and get to it.
Hello, my friend. You have been a busy one, as of late. I know what you mean about agoraphobia from time to time. I am in a situation where my vision doesn't allow me to drive and I can't afford the heavy charges for a taxi to take me to and from town. So, these four walls become my world and at this point and time, I am at the mercy of folks and whether they opt to go anywhere or not, and most of the time, they don't. I've seen times when I haven't left the place a month and a half at a time. Then, when I do get into town and around people, I am overly shy and feel like everyone is looking at me. It's a terrible feeling and I am very humbled by my circumstances. Perhaps it's just the path my life is supposed to take at this time?
It snowed heavily here today, with high winds too. I've accomplished a lot today, despite Silly Goose being here turning the place upside down. Made a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread too, which turned out so lovely.
Hello Serenity, seems the more I get done, the more there is still to do, and I'm left asking myself, "Where did the day go?"
Having bitched about my isolation, I can see the good of it as well, I've learned alot about myself.
We never know when our circumstances will change do we? Of course I don't think you would want to live in New York City anytime soon:) Something like that may be alittle to much of a change.
Have a good evening Serenity
Hiya Susan :) Like my grandma used to say, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get"
I lived in South Boston for five years. Coming from a tiny hick town of 6000, I can honestly say that big city life just isn't for me. Makes me feel irrelevant, insignificant. Living like this has taught me alot about myself, and my family. I consider this time in my life, quiet time.
You have a wonderful evening as well, my friend. Be kind to you
Me thinks your working to hard, Snuzan...
granny has a nice ass...
I wish i had a nice ass, but have already sold my saddle, and I'm to old to go bare assed.
I think you should submit one or two of your stories on www.writersintouch.com I have found it to be a wonderful (yes, I said it) way to get feedback from other writers. your work is as good as anyone else's on there. this is a world class website. I already have met a great gal on there who even told me what country she lives in! and she's not in the library shoveling snow!
I beg you to do this, the world (and other writers) needs to embrace your words.
(_!_) Nice 'N' Big...
So who's butt is that yours or Steves?
Maybe it's a front view, where's the other nut?
Other butt and other nut is ovah dere------>
You have no idea how long it took me to figure (_!_) out, just call me a dumn ass.
Thanks Steve, but "as Granny would say", my editing skills are next to nil, why set myself up for others to tell me what I already know?
Granny, you mean over
Whut duh hell does I know??
The roots of my toofs have penetrated my brain...
This is mine (__!__)
I can be a dumb ass too (__?__)
sue, you are a fearful, cringing pussy.
quit indulging in the convenience of self-pity...
beware of people who can't take a compliment....control freak...
Cringing pussy, indulging in self-pity, control freak, thanks for the critique. It's conforting that you know me so well. I wonder where those ideas of judgement come from?
I have learned through these months that the warm lick of a compliment is followed quickly by sharp teeth.
I choose to judge my own weakness and strenght, thank you very much.
"Hurt people hurt people" I forgive you.
When I am ready and have a story ready, I will submit it. In the mean time, I just learned how to spell the word, "dumb", no kidding.
Will you edit a story for me, so I can see how it's done? Which of my stories do you think I should submit? Choose one, and I'll start working. It will give me something to think about while I pack the truck.
It's snowing and cold and I'm waiting for a weather window to open. I may have to wait into next week.
i wanna go on a walkabout.
Me too lilly, me too. Where would you go, if you could go anywhere in the world?
My mind is on a walkabout everyday...
i would go to africa, the mother country, and take pics.
Almost went to Bamako once, had to get yellow fever shots, couldn't give blood for six months:) I always wanted to see the Niger River. DC embassy wouldn't give me a visa because I was traveling alone, I didn't push it as I should have.
Your young, you just may get there.
I'm like Granny. An hour conversation with me is like a trip around the world in 60 minutes. My mind is always in a constant whirl, or walkabout. On second thought, a runabout!
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