I'm burning the last row of wood, rounds cut close to the ground, heavy with mastic pitch. They were hard to split, but well worth the labor. The stove hums and snaps like teenage girls chewing gum. The Sarah and Mic sleep close to the fire, they twitch spasmodically and drift, deep in doggy dreamland.
I am content to sit for awhile, drink my coffee, muse, and listen to the sounds of winter.
A lovely picture you painted, my friend. Please color me there.
Today is warm, not a drop of snow in sight. Had a terrible wind storm in the night, but I was oblivious to it, lost in my dreams of quilting in brilliant colors. If only my hands could do what my mind dreams..
it hasn't snowed once in NC this year. susan send me some of that snow please!
lilly's right, it was 65 today.
come see me sometime, un misses yo.
40 and below here in Florida the first part of the week.. 80's tomorrow... Crazy shit...
Holy smokes, it's the whole gang!
As you can guess I've been very busy, just having time to drop in once in a while.
Twenty eight hundred miles is a long way from here, but I'll see what I can do in the next week or so:)
Huh, twenty eight hundred miles Snuzan??
Hello, my friend. I hope your day is treating you very well. I tell ya, Granny, Lilly, Aye n Bob put on one heck of a show. I haven't laughed like that in a loooooong time. Felt good to laugh like that.
I've never used "chat", or whatever before, did get a pair of speakers and a mic. Can you e-mail me how and where? Maybe I can get this stuff to work, I can try:)
Do you have Yahoo Messanger Susan? If not, you can download it at yahoo.com
It's fun! You'll be able to see the whole gang and hear them too!
Sorry you didn't get any of the snow about a month ago, Lilly. It snowed here for a good two-three hours, sometimes giant flakes, sometimes fine snow mixed with rain. When I got off work there was a thin blanket of snow on the car, the lawns and the road. When I woke up after sleeping most of the day, the sun was out and it was 62 degrees outside.
You have provided us with another treat for the eyes, Susan. You often hear "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but there are some things that most of the universe agree is beautiful. Such is the splendor of Mother Nature when she paints with love for the inhabitants of her world.
Yes, twenty eight hundred miles is a "mighty fer piece" away. But even with that much distance between the east coast and west coast, sometimes the weather patterns are remarkably the same. Warm one day, cold the next. I guess Mother Nature has hot flashes also.
Serenity, I can soooo identify with your statement about my hands not being able (anymore)to do what my mind dreams! Aging has it's disadvantages, but it also has it's advantages. Aging sure beats the heck out of the alternative.
Almost a month ago I was freezing my ars off, digging in the snow to find frozen wood. Today I'm three thousand miles from that snow and cold, and worry.
I love NC, nice, nice, people. Liven is easy here, even in the winter.
The new sounds of winter are Sarah bounding through the woods after squirrels. Mic with his nose to the ground. Dada-dada-dada-dada mole dog...he got the mole, I got to fill in the hole:)
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