Saturday, September 13, 2008

Getting Ready

Saturday, time to haul in more wood.
A big stack of wood gives peace of mind.
This is no time to skirt the issue, the work must be done before Winter weather sets in.


Anonymous said...

me be skirtin me own issues 2


are you cutting down good forrest trees?

wouldn't happen to have a plywood maker wood ya?


be careful!



susan said...

Cut down a living tree?
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
How could you ask me such a question? I plant trees, I don't cut them down. Maybe I will cut down a dead snag or two, that is if they are not a woodpecker, flicker, or owl home.

I've been thinking about my winter water problems of the pipes freezing and think I may have a solution. Of course I'm going to need some help. That's the hard part, asking for help.
Then again, when folkes ask if they can help me, why should I not let them have the pleasure of helping me?

Now I need to visit your place and then stop by and see if Aye is still on his new sofa, then I need to unload and stack some more wood.

Anonymous said...

Heavens to Murgatroyd!
haha haven't heard that saying in a long time.

Wish I was closer, so I could help.
Ya know, if you leave the faucet on a bit more then a drip, the pipes won't freeze...running water doesn't freeze.

enjoy your day