A better friend than God, my Dog.
Oh, the years we spent together.
Through Spring days,
April's wind and rain.
"Just look at those muddy paws!"
Remember hot Summer days?
No park paths for us.
We cross open fields,
You running always just ahead.
We had a ball playing.
The falling leaves of Autumn.
So many colours raining,
And you running, so alive.
Chase the race of time,
Combing the woods, adventure.
Winter's cold, our foot prints,
Deep in mountain snow.
Hours spent by the fire,
Warm dreams of December.
I will always remember.
And the years went by,
Moments following each other.
My gratitude for your love,
A gift from above, in Spirit.
Honor, Faith, and Friendship.
And here we are again
My friend.
Night are getting cold,
And we both now old.
Again, you go before me.
OMG Susan! Is Mic ok?
please tell me he's ok.
I hope you are too.
He's alive another day... sorry, I wrote the poem this morning.
The little bastered better get better, cuz I can't shoot him.
If I take him to the vet again, they'll kill him for sure.
No, he'll pull through this. He has to, or am I being unkind?
People don't kill their kids when they're sick.
I owe Aye a comment, and maybe you too, but I'm to tired right now. Maybe a nap would help.
See ya tomorrow.
rest up and relax, you don't owe me anything and I'm sure Aye would want you to take it easy too.
I'm glad Mic is hanging in there, he's so cute.. glad you put a photo up.
I am lighting a vanilla candle as we speak for Mic and you....I should have done that sooner
prayers sent
Hope the big one hears them
give Mic a hug from me
Thanks Pank, the candle light, and your good wishes just may have helped. This morning both The Mic, and myself feel better.
Now if he can keep a little chicken soup down today, I'll know he's on his way to better health.
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