Monday, September 15, 2008

She Has an Ax!

"Those casablanca fat cats are in for a big surprise if they think they can pussyfoot around in the dark."


Anonymous said...

You look tough gal!
member that scene in the Indiana Jones movie?


susan said...

Which one?

Anonymous said...

the guy swings the giant sword all threatening,precise and fancy...indy has no patience and shoots.

susan said...

Oh, that scene! Well! That big guy with the giant sword should have had on "Mithril longjohns"(tops and bottoms), besides an Ax and a sword are two different things.And Mr.Jones should have learned that patience is a vertue.Say, have you read "Eats Shoots and Leaves"? It has a Panda bear on the cover.   ;)

Aye said...

I seem to recall in the second one, he comes upon two sword wielding goons or thugs or henchmen or whatever they were scripted as. As I recall he reaches for his gun, and it's not there. I think he still had no patience to see what they're going to do with those things, and departs hastily.

I have the ability to smith full mithril on runescape. I'll hook you up with your longjohns, as well as an axe, either woodcutters or battle!!!

susan said...

Aye! How about a new Stihl, or Husquarna longbar chainsaw?
I have to run mine until the bar oil is low because otherwise it leaks out in the case. Guess I could strip it down and see where the leak is coming from, but so far it's working well so I don't want to chance making it worse.

My computer is to slow right now to play Runescape, but ya never know, I may learn how to upgrade it this winter.

Aye said...

Are you familiar with Poulans??? I've never heard of 'em, but that's what we carry. I've always preferred the electric varitey, like electric cars, there is very little maintainence required for the motor, and I can hit all areas of my yard with it. Oh yea, no need to buy gas and 2 stroke oil for it!!!

I've got the husk of my wife's old 700mhz E machine comp just gathering dust here. That thing was the little engine that could!!! Upgraded the memory, and it ran XP flawlessly. Added in a burner and a TV tuner card, and it just rolled right along. Amazing that it did TV so well with onboard graphics!!! I had been thinking of putting it back together for my sister, she'd called and left a message about if she should buy a computer (nothing but the tower) for $5. Having no idea what it had, I'd say I've trash picked better, LOL.

susan said...

Poulan's are great for occasional use in limbing, or yard work, and eletric chainsaws are nice if you have a utily box and a long extention, however, for cutting five, six, or more cords of wood a year for winter, it's best to have a professional heavyduty saw, perferably with several bars, chains, etc.
Then again, I never pass up looking at any yardsale chainsaws, but around here, they are usually not easy to find because most people heat with wood and that means you either buy wood, or cut wood.
What do you want for the up-graded dust collector? Or, we could barter...need any deer antlers, smoked salmon, chainsaw carved bears, etc. for lawn orniments?
*The man needs a shirt* Oh!